Comment 19723

Comment ID 19723

[Art] Orly
Nov 27, 2005, 6:00:04 AM UTC on [Art] Orly
wow! great job on this pic, I can tell you spent hours on this- your efforts have paid off! Grin great pic!


  • Nov 27, 2005, 8:22:49 AM UTC
    Oh my gosh hun... you have no idea how bad my hands hurt from drawing this. 4 friggen hours non-stop. 4 hours I tell ya! And my hands were so very black from the pencil. >_< Ah well. I think it turned out pretty dang good if I do say so myself. Smile The hardest parts were the shading on his nose, his trademark smile/smirk (there was alot of erasing and re-doing that one), and his hair. I drew every single strand of hair with my mechanical pencil and then went over it with my eraser to give it that highlighted effect. That was a pain. I didn't know I had that much patience in me. I am working on one for my grandmother right now. She is ill with the beginnings of Alzheimer's and I wanted to give her something before her mind is completely gone. Sad it will probably be up later today. Well, if I can ever figure out how to draw a tree anyway. >_< All my love and thanks again. You always put a smile on my face with your reviews. Smile <----- See?
    • Dec 6, 2005, 6:29:23 PM UTC
      lol! sorry to hear about your grandma!! Mine is in the hospital at the moment as well!! Sad But I'm sure she'll love your pic, and trees aren't that hard just look at a pic of one or look at one outside if you need too. They're easy, just boring and time-consuming.