Comment 21205

Comment ID 21205

[Art] Dragon Colab.
Dec 19, 2005, 7:00:42 AM UTC on [Art] Dragon Colab.
Do you know what the symbols in the corner stand for??

I like how you colored this but I think those flowers are kinda odd with the dragon head and dagger going through it Laughing


  • Dec 19, 2005, 11:22:36 AM UTC
    I have no idea. But I can give you the site address where the guy who drew it is and you could ask him if you really want to know. ^_^

    Laughing My job was to color, not think about what I was coloring. I think I did that well. Laughing
    • Dec 19, 2005, 12:08:02 PM UTC
      Laughing Yes you did your job well Worship

      I'll skip the link though I don't want to really tick off someone for questioning their work unasked for Grin