Comment 22051

Comment ID 22051

[Art] Calendar Gurlz - January
Jan 4, 2006, 3:31:00 PM UTC on [Art] Calendar Gurlz - January
She's just darling, Kristy!!! Heart Heart

Now my love prepare for a lecture Evil Laughing Nothing significant about August??? Nonononono, my love. August is the time to sit on your porch steps in the morning with a bowl of cereal and watch the sun rise as you remember all the things you did over the summer which is slowly turning to fall. They claim summer ends in Sept but Sept is so busy with the new school year that it doesn't count, OH NO! August is the true end you relax by the stream while it sings to you and then you prepare mentally for all the September stress and rejoice in the summer beauty that you know will soon change to the firey fall and then the gray winter when you'll need those peaceful summer memories to keep you warm.

Embarrassed Ok I'm off my high horse now Grin I adore August and always have if you can't tell, good things always seem to happen to me then and even if they don't I just tend to assosiate it with faires and unicorns and sprites and basicly everything that my mind tells me is happy and magical Laughing Embarrassed I said I was going to stop so I shall as of right now Grin

I love Miss January here and I can't wait to see what you have instore for the rest of the year......are you planning on making us wait for each month???? Cry Ok I'll contain myself if that's your plan. Love You Heart Love You Heart Love You Heart


  • Jan 4, 2006, 8:17:21 PM UTC
    First and foremost, I want to thank you for buying one of my products from the store here. That was so sweet of you. Cry I love you so much! Cry Now that I have that out of my system, thank you for your kind words about Miss January here. I think the only part of her that I really ended up liking is her hair. Laughing I won't make you wait as long as you think for these girls though. I will be posting one a day. Mainly because Susie put a feature on here now where it only shows off one drawing per day per artist now. So I thought it would be a good way to keep the suspense going. I just posted Miss February and I am quite pleased with how she turned out. She is so adorable. ^^
    As for the drawing for the month of August... girl you just gave me so many awesome ideas. I really was at a loss for what to draw for August, but now you have made my head swarm with ideas. I guess sometimes I just need to see things through someone else's eyes. So thank you thank you thank you! You are the absolute greatest! All my love to you. Mwah mwah mwah! ^_^ I think I need to drink less Starbuck's Frappucinos. Eheheh... Sweat Drop
    • Jan 4, 2006, 9:17:33 PM UTC
      Grin Thank you for putting it the store for me to buy LOL!!! I'm going to check out miss feb as soon as I'm done typing you Bounce I can live with one a day ......maybe Grin.... it'll give me a garanteed thing to look forward to *HAPPY DANCE* I was born in July but August is my favorite month if you couldn't tell Laughing so I'm very glad that I gave you many ideas Heart Heart and haven't I told you before there is no such thing as too much coffee???? No That means any form you get it in Bounce Bounce Bounce LOVE YOU!!!!!!! *Big Hug and hands you another Frappucino*