Comment 22352

Comment ID 22352

[Art] angel time
Jan 9, 2006, 8:07:00 AM UTC on [Art] angel time
Wow!O.OO.OO.OI`m stunned....
*Watches at the piccy for 2 hours*
Ummm..I don`t think I`ll find the right words to describe this picture(since English isn`t my main language too,that makes sense:lolSmile
This is amzing,breath-taking,awesome.beautiful,enchanting,magical and ..................TO HELL WITH IT! THIS PICCY IS AMAZING!
YesYou`re very talented!To use watercolors like that...Oh man....InnocentThis is amazing!I love it! deffinitely my newFavoriteYou`re amazing,you know that,right?YesI can`t wait ti see more of your works!BounceWorshipWorshipYou go girl!This is awesome!YesKeep up the good,no,awesome work!!!!LaughingMy love to you!HeartMwah!

But gods,this is soooo beautiful.....



  • Jan 10, 2006, 5:58:45 AM UTC
    thank you ^^; lol....hmm...i might be talented but it has not brought me too much luck unfortunately T_T....

    ehm...glad you like it though ^^;
    • Jan 10, 2006, 9:09:13 AM UTC
      WHAT?It hasn`t brought you mush luck ?How could this happen?The world is sooooooo unfair!NoThat sux!SadBut remember hun,you ARE talente,and I think you shouldshow it,that other people could be happy!Yes`cause seeing pictures like that sure makes me happy!LaughingLaughingKeep it up and don`t feel upset!O.K?SmileMy love to you!HeartMwah!
      • Jan 10, 2006, 9:50:23 AM UTC
        lol, yeah thanks ^^ it makes me happy to see people getting exited over my art like you do ^^ so in a part i succeed with my art ^^

        other part wich makes me feel down are stuff like the fact that i never win contests or hardly get comissions...god i really must be doing something wrong @_@;