Comment 22889

Parent Comment

Jan 17, 2006, 1:43:03 AM UTC
Hi Seroth Talon. As you requested I'll go ahead and give you a critique...
The first thing I think you need to work on is the porportions in your drawing. As artists when we spend a lot of time on a drawing we tend to become blind to the porportion problems with a piece. I suggest holding your drawing up to a mirror from time to time as you draw and the places that need improvement will suddenly become clearer to you. Don't worry too much about your medium at this point, just get the drawing part right first. Seroth's eyes are really huge and the shapes of their faces are a little odd.
I think what you need to do is just keep on practicing. Practice by copying good drawings and drawing ontop of good drawings (take a piece of tracing paper and put it ontop of some of Akira Toriyama's artwork and then basically redraw the original just to get a feel for the DBZ face and body porportions). For a while, I suggest doing only line drawings and concentrating on that aspect. Worry about coloring later. Keep practicing.

Comment ID 22889

[Art] Brothers
Jan 17, 2006, 11:53:45 AM UTC on [Art] Brothers
Thanks for the advise I will take that into account. I have always made Seroth's eyes way too large, it is a habit i am trying to break. Vegeta looks a little goofy and the faces are oddly shaped, but i think that that problem is merely exclusive to this picture, normally they look better but I thought this pic would be the best way to introduce Seroth to everyone. I really value your advise and thank you immensly for helping me. Thanks!
