Comment 27406

Comment ID 27406

[Art] Deadly Little Miho
Mar 18, 2006, 6:27:16 PM UTC on [Art] Deadly Little Miho
This is great! I read these comic books all the time and I have to say that the movie rocked! Let's see a critique... the main thing I can see wrong with this is that she's really out of proportion. That's as much as i can help you cause I have the same problem ^^


  • Mar 20, 2006, 4:06:54 PM UTC
    Yeah she is all sortsa outta proportion lol but I was just trying to make her all cartoony and whatnot... I dont think I did it real well though =/ I'll try another version in the style I am more accustomed to and see if she turns out better. THank you for the critique!