Comment 29444

Parent Comment

Apr 18, 2006, 10:44:05 PM UTC
Well, something I should have specified before hand. He is male. No breasts. I guess you could say he's androginous. ^^, The rose that comes forward was a little bit of an abstract moment I had.

Other than that, it helped. ^^ Thanks.

Comment ID 29444

[Art] Roses
Apr 19, 2006, 12:16:12 AM UTC on [Art] Roses
Alright- in that case, it's a very femanine position, and it should be something to consider for the next picture, unless androgenous is what the person is. Men show sorrow or whatever emotion differently to females, and tend to not cry or look helpless unless they do feel completly helpless. For example- The guy at the back is VERY emo in this picture cause he's confused to heck ( *cue evil cackle* ), but he isn't crying cause that would expose his weakness. They show composure and strength till they crack at the sides- all men. Some more than others. The roses are a nice effect, but they should still sybolise something about his struggle. Ummmm... an example of this, using the rose theme would be like this pic

... I've lost where I was going here I think... Oh well ^^;


  • Apr 19, 2006, 5:36:47 AM UTC
    He's not really all that sad. =/ But yeah, he is the emotional type, as well as he is supposed to be androgenous in some pictures(such as this one).

    A lot of guys you know may not break down easily. To me, it depends on the person, not the gender; though, men do seem to more closed when it comes to emotions. My ex has been breaking down a lot lately. He acts more like a 14-year-old girl with a broken heart, crying almost constantly.
    • Apr 19, 2006, 3:24:39 PM UTC
      Yeah- broken hearted men when they start with emotion, they have built it up so long that it takes them ages to get over it. I think you'll be surprised to know how much even the open ones hold back. Do sympathise with them though if you can- they aren't use to dealing with emotions like females are. My friend broke up with his online g/f, txted me for a month constantly about his problem, and has just restarted his way of thinking. Seriously- they can't understand us, but they drive us insane by their fickleness when they do show it- colds are a prime example