Comment 34962

Comment ID 34962

[Art] -ShonenAi- Kiss By The Water
Jun 20, 2006, 5:22:48 PM UTC on [Art] -ShonenAi- Kiss By The Water
Plants have a heirachy- like animals- differnt layers and stuff- they're competitive for light. There's the grass floor where there's moss, grass etc... Depending on the light levels is whet survives, then there's shrubs- waist height plants, flaxes etc... then the trees that scale above everything. A dense forest also can have vines hanging off trees. Depending on how issolated the forest is is how many vines and how thick. If you give it some low line shrub, and black out anything past 3 or 4 trees- if it's dense, not much light will come through anyways. Also, if it's not kept, trees will have branches to half way down the trunck and the branches usually triangle off in some way- unless pruned, when they would ball up. The water- if it's large, then make the furtherest part of the water would be darker, and it would have a shine across it- broken up if the water is choppy. Past that, I suggest photo referances- I don't do landscapes well, and flora is NOT my thing ^^; (despite NZ being 60% forest or whatever XD )


  • Jun 21, 2006, 10:35:12 AM UTC
    yes... I think I shall refer to a photo next time. Landscapes aren't my thing either Sweat Drop but I do like having decent backgrounds... so I will learn for that reason

    thanks for the tips Smile