Comment 40597

Comment ID 40597

[Art] Day and Night
Aug 16, 2006, 4:12:11 AM UTC on [Art] Day and Night
Interesting character design, I especially like their colour schemes and their wings. Also the lgihting effects have been done pretty effectively and follow up with their light source.

A few critiques would be that first, the grey character doesn't need to be pure grey- on the colour selector, if you add a tiny bit of colour, it brings out depth to the picture. Another note on the colouring is that the shades look a bit wobbly.

I'm not sure whether the length of the arms is an intentional style or not, but I'd say they were a bit too long- standard human hands reach down to about mid thigh. If it is a feature of species that doesn't matter though. ^^;


  • Aug 19, 2006, 10:49:18 AM UTC
    Thank you so much! I'll keep that in mind next time I use gray in my art. And thanks for pointing out about the arms. I didn't relise how long I made them untill you said somthing about it.