Comment 42073

Parent Comment

Aug 31, 2006, 4:47:41 AM UTC
Are you self taught?
You have so much talent!
Even in your recent works!
I'm envious but in awe of your abilities!

Comment ID 42073

[Art] My First "Lolita"
Sep 1, 2006, 8:43:05 AM UTC on [Art] My First "Lolita"
Thank you so very much!! Sweat Drop

I don't want to sound full of myself, but I really don't think I have talent. @__@ Talented people take to drawing like a duck to water and advance easily. I may be skilled in some ways due to experience, but I definitely don't think I'm talented.

And yes, I am self-taught (though I think you picked up on that earlier). Sweat Drop I'm sorry that makes me so unknowing about arty things! I am trying, though! I have gone to private school for basically all of my life, and that means I've never been in a school resourceful enough to have art classes.

...Except in sixth grade, when I didn't turn in any of my projects.

......And except last year, when my sister and I taught an art class that quickly failed.

Oh well. XD


  • Sep 1, 2006, 9:14:23 PM UTC
    I understand the talent thing.
    People tell me that I'm talented and I always say stuff like, "Uh, not really."
    or "I could definitley be better!"
    It usually throws people for a loop! Haha!