Comment 54127

Parent Comment

Aug 9, 2007, 7:51:06 PM UTC
I really like most of the anatomy on this, it has good form and for the most part is consistent with itself.
The only part that comes across as not matching the rest is that leg... I know what you were doing, with foreshortening and the angle, of course, but it seems to make a rather large jump from her knee to her calf, like her leg kind of suddenly bulges there, instead of making a more gradual size change due to depth and angle... I hope that makes sense. Her other foot looks to be about the right size for its own angle, but that leg could use maybe a bit more length, given the angle of her foot? If her foot was give a more straight-on angle, then it would be assumed that her leg was facing backwards instead of sideways. Corky Smile
I really love the details in this, though. The whip is really nice, and I love the way it winds around her. Her clothing design is also really attractive, with all the little detailed accessories. Corky Smile I think her ears are cute, too. ^^

Comment ID 54127

[Art] Whip me DONE!
Aug 9, 2007, 8:00:40 PM UTC on [Art] Whip me DONE!
Oh. well i get what your saying and i'll keep that in mind when i draw another angel but i'm still working ont hat type of thing. need to get some more pratice in. thank you for the tips and comment.


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