Comment 54434

Parent Comment

Aug 12, 2007, 7:26:31 AM UTC
This one has excellent emotion, especially with the angle at which we're seeing him, partially blocked by the fluff.
You have gorgeous pencil shading on all of your pieces! The shape pf his face here is really nice, not just anime-straight. Also, his eyes stand out. I really live how you handled his pupils, as well as the lines around his eyes that look like he's either glaring a bit or simply tired of it.
Corky Smile

Comment ID 54434

[Art] Had Enough
Aug 13, 2007, 4:23:44 PM UTC on [Art] Had Enough
Thank you so much. I appreciate that you've looked so well at it. I like to add realness to my work that gives the anime lovers the idea of what the characters might look like as real people. This was one of the first that I used a new shading style on. I used to use only one mechanical pencil, with one single lead weight, but now I use all kinds. I've a friend on DA who introduced it to me, and I like it...until I make a mistake in dark lead and can't get it erased. LOL! Thank you so much for this comment. I appreciate it so greatly.


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