Comment 55203

Comment ID 55203

[Art] Thesis 6/6: Happily Ever After
Aug 21, 2007, 6:59:30 AM UTC on [Art] Thesis 6/6: Happily Ever After
This was a pretty cool series, though I would have liked to have seen an elaborate pumpkin stage-coach created by the Godmother, and maybe Cinderella's wicked stepmother forcing her down on her hands and knees to scrub the floors.
That to me sems more compelling than just showing her sitting by the fire sulking.

Well that's my two cents, catch ya later!


  • Aug 22, 2007, 1:28:13 PM UTC
    When you have one single semester (which works out to 4 months and maybe about 10 actual weeks of working time with getting the semester started and holidays) to work on a thesis that has to be at least five pieces, an elaborate pumpkin stage-coach is a nice pie in the sky dream, unfortunately. >_<

    I had a thumbnail of Cinderella down on the floor scrubbing while the step family left footprints in their wake across the area she just cleaned, but it got nixed as I went through the process of working. I had about 15 thumbnails throughout the story altogether but I was only able to physically manage six of them, and even that took 12-14 hour days through my normal 3 and 4 day weekends to complete on top of the course work I had from the other four classes I was enrolled in.

    So, in a nut shell... I would have done more if I had had the physical ability within the time alotted. Believe me, between back/neck problems and carpal tunnel, it was punishing enough.