Comment 56230

Comment ID 56230

[Art] Hero throw
Aug 26, 2007, 5:03:33 PM UTC on [Art] Hero throw
The black and white contrast is just awesome in this. It really led my eye around the piece, even before I could study the details.

I was a little confused by the large hand at the top, at first.. Maybe you could make it stand out more with some heavier outlines? Or even a little more black on the fingertips.


  • Aug 29, 2007, 6:50:05 AM UTC
    This is probably one of the first big splashes I did before launching the comic on ET. Looking back I see a TON of things I could have done better, now. But hindsight is ALWAYS 20/20. Like the children in silhouette, yet one is not. And the kids being thrown are much larger than the ones the are supposed to be in the fore ground. Things like that and what you mentioned, about the hand being confusing.
    Part of the trade though, is doing things insufficently, then getting "called" on it. While I do think I could do a better job, I wouldn't change it though. I keep those things to remind me of my mistakes, so I don't make em again. GOOD EYE though. Its, for me a funny piece, but ther IS a lot that could be done better, as I have gotten a lot better since. OH well...LOL...Thanks for the critique!!!