Comment 56657

Comment ID 56657

[Art] Shonen-Ai
Aug 29, 2007, 7:22:55 PM UTC on [Art] Shonen-Ai
aww..I think this turned out cute~! hee hee! they both look older here, which is actually a cool thing, considering the after, lmao! actually, Umishin is 19 already, but Light is just17...dun dun duuun! aaanywho...

thanks for redoing it! and for doing it in the first place~!


  • Aug 29, 2007, 7:33:38 PM UTC
    Thanks for commenting!! I'm glad you liked it!! I had fun drawing this even though Umi-chan's hair made me a bit crazy! XD I'm really looking forward to doing that after pic!! *giggles* Now all I need to do is figure out exactly what they'll be doing... *winks*

    Don't worry about it! It was my mistake! ^^;