Comment 60175

Comment ID 60175

[Art] Fullmetal Alchemist - Envy
Oct 10, 2007, 8:34:30 PM UTC on [Art] Fullmetal Alchemist - Envy
Very nice! As ever, I am in awe of the lines. One day I will have to pick your brain for pointers. I just love how your lines are so crisp and clean, yet you get a sense of the artist behind them, not the pen tool. Don't know if that makes sense...things like the subtle cross-hatch shading! Neat!

And his eyes! Yep, Envy is not a creature I'd like to cross.


  • Oct 13, 2007, 8:03:24 AM UTC
    Thank you, my dear! The linework in this one is pretty snarly for the most part. I just work on a very large image and then shrink it - it makes the lines look better. No real magic to it or anything. :wink:
    But I'm glad that you like it! Yes, you'd definitely want to stay on Envy's good side!