Comment 61339

Comment ID 61339

[Art] Esther and Ion
Nov 3, 2007, 2:08:58 PM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on Nov 3, 2007 by 2932 on [Art] Esther and Ion
Not bad.

However, a few sticky points.

For instance, on the dress, the buttoned cloth overlay is too flat, laying over her chest like it's skin-tight -- the breasts shouldn't be in such stark relief against the rest of her body, given the voluminous nature of her clothing. Also, the eyes seem a bit too far apart, and the nose and mouth on the lady are too small, not to mention that her waist is far too thin -- it gives her an unnatural-looking, wasp-like figure.

Otherwise, as I said, not bad. Shows some promise, provided you put in some hard work.


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