Comment 63444

Parent Comment

Dec 13, 2007, 8:29:18 PM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on Dec 13, 2007 by 2425
I like the way you've done the background - it's really great so you may be proud of it. The characters are also great.

However when look not at the details but at the pic all together the characters look very artificial though the background seems very natural. And one more - it seems that the unicorn hangs over the ground but not stands on it.

Nevetherless I like the work you've done. Wink

Comment ID 63444

[Art] Walking Through the Woods
Dec 13, 2007, 8:46:07 PM UTC on [Art] Walking Through the Woods
Thas part of my style--I like making the background more detailed than the characters, sort of like you find in an animated movie. =] Plus once I started, I couldn't stop my tendency to go overboard with the details. Whoops. XD;
As for the unicorn (who's actually a pegacorn, but I can understand the mistake; his wings are hidden XD; ), I tried to make him look like he's walking a little farther back, but couldn't quite get it. Need to work on perspective more. ^^;
Thanks for the comment and compliments! =]


  • Dec 14, 2007, 8:53:51 AM UTC
    You are always welcome. Smile
    As for the combination of background and the characters that's great you have some peculiarity of the style.
    As for the pegacorn (sorry for misunderstanding) perhaps you need to make the ground under its hooves more detailed?