Comment 68557

Comment ID 68557

[Art] Gift
Apr 16, 2008, 1:21:39 AM UTC on [Art] Gift
This is very good- wonderful colorscheme and style that is very authentic to the... (certain period in time) style. If there's anything, it's 1) the flute is rather shriveled up and strange, and 2) the face looks rather skewed and/or flat... (though it does contribute to the whole piece stylistically).


  • Apr 16, 2008, 5:59:56 AM UTC
    Thanks for the critique.

    Yes the flute caused me problems and I admit I gave up on it in the end.

    Could you elaberate on the face? What would be done to improve and reduce the skewed effect?

    • Apr 16, 2008, 10:07:52 PM UTC
      Erm, for the face... the best way would be to use the standard method of drawing an elongated sphere shape first (the head), and adding a cross-hair (for the center line and the level of the eyes). The lines should be curved, and follow the 3D spherical presence of the face. This should help.

      As a quick double-check, it is always good to flip the paper around and hold it up to the light to see a mirror image of the picture. (Flip Horizontal for Photoshop users). A mirror image will reveal a hundred things which you might not be aware of.

      Attached is a quick Microsoft Paint sketch of drawing the guide lines (let's hope the file loads).
      Image attached