Comment 68776

Comment ID 68776

[Art] OneWingedMan
Apr 22, 2008, 6:16:38 AM UTC on [Art] OneWingedMan
He's really soft, I like how you did that. And his hair! It's awesome! How did you do it?


  • Apr 22, 2008, 6:22:32 AM UTC
    Ah thanks for such a lovely comment <3
    A lot of airbrushing for the skin and wings.
    As for the hair, I used 1px and stroke each individual hair. Big Smile
    • Apr 22, 2008, 12:30:46 PM UTC
      You're welcome!

      I see... I love the soft almost watercolor feel of it.

      1px, hunh... I like to do something similar when I do hair, but I think the 3px I've been using is too big, as I'm not getting the look I want, although 1px makes it ahrd to see the brush. Thanks. I think I will make a better effort when doing hair in the future. Big Smile
      • Apr 22, 2008, 11:38:58 PM UTC
        Indeed the 1px brush makes it hard to see the brush. ^^
        Best of luck with it <3
        • Apr 23, 2008, 7:40:53 AM UTC
          *nods* And when you wear glasses to read/see up close, it's really hard. ^^; Plus my monitor is weird, I've noticed when i sit head on, things are one color or hidden, & when I look down at it, like I've gotten up & sat down again, I can see colors that were hidden...^^; So it's going to be quite the challenge, but I think I'm to it. Especially when i get inspired by beautiful works such as this. Big Smile

          Thanks! ;p