Comment 71481

Parent Comment

Aug 6, 2008, 4:01:44 AM UTC
"Everyone wants to be awesome at art, but they want the easy way."
Hence, the art thieves that proliferate, like maggots on poo, in websites like this and DA. Recently I had a problem with someone stealing one piece of my Octopus fanart. I reported it--and turned out that I had followed a tip I saw somewhere on PD's forums--and along with my signature, hidden the words "Pier 56" in my lineart.


Of course there are some artists who don't want *any* critique. I've written one comment on DA saying very politely, "This looks great, but personally, I would slightly fix the perspective, and (blah blah blah). Other than that, it's really good. Keep up the good work." And got this reply: "F*** off. This is my style."

But for my part, I like to think I've improved since I first started drawing. And I owe part of that to the helpful friends with their constructive critique.


Comment ID 71481

[Art] The Joker and the Octopus
Aug 6, 2008, 3:42:56 PM UTC on [Art] The Joker and the Octopus
Yeah- some people just doodle for fun and were only drawing cause they can. I do that sometimes, so I can see where they're coming from, but they don't need to be rude ^^; You're taking your time to comment. Least they can do is say thanks, but no thanks ^^; That's why I'm glad PD have the crit options. Makes it alot clearer if people want crit or not. I'm surprised DA took so long to get them. PD have had that option for ages now.


  • Aug 7, 2008, 2:23:45 AM UTC
    Ages, huh? Then again I find paperdemon to be a bit more "serious" than most of deviantart.

    I mostly draw for pleasure, because I'm well aware that my true talent lies in the written word.
    • Aug 7, 2008, 8:12:41 PM UTC
      PD isn't so much serious... I think we're alot more quality minded here cause we're a tad more strict on presentation, but I like that. I don't really want to be spammed by art I can't see to appreciate Yes DA is a chuck bucket for memes, sonic fanart, and miscatagorised scrawls. There's a very small percentage of decent artists on da. Most account are PLZ accounts, dead ones, spam ones, or lurkers. It's kinda sad T.T