Comment 72003

Comment ID 72003

[Art] His Mind Spirals
Aug 26, 2008, 8:30:16 PM UTC on [Art] His Mind Spirals
thank god someone finally realizes the symptoms of depression. people don't take it as a big deal, or else think it is taboo. Kudos to you for helping your friend! I didn't have anyone recognize the symptoms in me, and I'm lucky to be alive. If you or your friend ever need any help, I've been there. Manic depression is horrible, and sometimes just being there helps.


  • Aug 28, 2008, 5:27:25 PM UTC
    Thank you for your comment.

    I was compelled to write this one morning. I wasn't really even planning on sharing it with my friend. The original poem was just a sequence of "I tell him... I tell him". The next version became "He says.. I tell him.. he says.. I tell him". Then I got to thinking about what it is really like. When you are dealing with someone that has been told that they have a big nose and funny ears and that they are ugly; it becomes important to tell them exactly why you think they are attractive. You can't just say "your cute". You have to tell them what makes them beautiful to you. You need to remind them of successes and of things to look forward to.

    In the end I decided to show it to my friend. I told him that I wanted to share it with others too. I want to raise awareness about the various forms of depression. I know it will not erase the "just get over it" attitude that many have; but if I reach just one person and they help someone... then the poem has done its job.