Comment 72629

Comment ID 72629

[Art] Sasuke .:Watching Them:.
Sep 17, 2008, 12:34:18 PM UTC on [Art] Sasuke .:Watching Them:.
The eye bothers me a little on this one. It should be closer to the bridge of the nose and the shape is wrong. The inside of the eye should be recessed more so it looks more like a part of the face instead of an eye that is pasted on. Darken the white a bit more since it in shadow. The clothes are lacking in highlights from the ambient light, placing some of them in would also help to make him pop more. Nice work, thanks for sharing.


  • Sep 17, 2008, 10:44:18 PM UTC
    heh heh ya the eye is odd, the light shouldn't be lighter on the outfit though as the cloth isn't shiny and wouldn't produce an immaculate shine. His eye does look off XD it was just a practice and I did notice that after XD thank you for helping me out <3