Comment 74889

Comment ID 74889

[Art] Dancer
Dec 23, 2008, 8:44:01 PM UTC on [Art] Dancer
So far, so good. I like the body, it looks very feminine and muscular. The curtains are nice as well. Smile Great work!


  • Dec 24, 2008, 4:07:47 PM UTC
    Thank you. Still working on her. She is coming along nicely. Although the only issue I have the shading and coloring of her skin and her face trying to make it more like a real person. Thank you again and very much appreciate the comments.
    • Dec 25, 2008, 3:15:40 PM UTC
      Your very welcome! For the face, I recommend looking at another drawing similar to the facial structure and see what they drew and how they drew it. That might help. Smile