Comment 75539

Comment ID 75539

[Art] Gaze of a Gorgon
Jan 12, 2009, 10:45:25 PM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on Jan 12, 2009 by sillymoogle on [Art] Gaze of a Gorgon
I believe this picture has very promising structure (and many of your other pictures are very good too!)! the only problem I see is the right shoulder (my right) is just a little too small and the chest is a LITTLE too high (I noticed this in a few other of your pictures too). I have done that before, it's hard to catch cuz you're thinking about the angle and the way the body is turned! but don't let it distract you!

My advice would be to erase the breast bone line until it lines up to where the arms connects to the body, and lower the collar bone. As for the arm I'm sure you'll have an idea of what to do with it, I feel kinda bad for dissecting this picture already xD.

I must recommend:

It reallly, reallly, helps with anatomy and it's good practice! I don't go here often cause I have live classes I to go-- this is the next best thing!

I hope I helped!


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