Comment 75572

Comment ID 75572

[Art] +ReIkEtSu NaRiSeBa+
Jan 14, 2009, 11:26:00 PM UTC on [Art] +ReIkEtSu NaRiSeBa+
What the... ? How many puppies have you strangled so far this year? Just joshing with you... angry pic! Makes me feel like renting Texas Chainsaw Massacre and watching it over and over until my ears bleed. Smile But, all said and done, nothing wrong with expressing your rampant emotions.


  • Jan 15, 2009, 12:10:00 AM UTC
    I love puppies ;_;

    lol I'm not an angry person XD This was just the product of a VERY bad day XD
    • Jan 15, 2009, 6:39:59 AM UTC
      Sorry to hear you had a bad day. I browsed the rest of your gallery and there's some real good stuff there.