Comment 79746

Comment ID 79746

[Art] Beautiful Debt
Sep 10, 2009, 7:30:43 PM UTC on [Art] Beautiful Debt
Oh my word.... I am teary eyed. The sheer power of the piece is astounding! The scene so tender, so touching. The eyes! I am fangirling over the eyes! you got such love in their depths!

I love the soft tender love of the pose!

Bank looks so young with his stresses of leadership, of life eased away by the love and devotion of Jak.



  • Sep 11, 2009, 11:40:55 AM UTC
    *blushes* Thank you, Nikki!

    I'm surprised you would say that, because in this scene in the story, they had just met. In fact, Jak had just bought Ban for someone else... *is eagerly awaiting the next chapter from Talon & Sensei*

    Thanks! XD

    This is way before the stress of the Shichinintai, but he was a lil stressed there. XD

    *tackle glomps you back* ;p