Comment 85892

Parent Comment

Oct 13, 2011, 7:35:29 PM UTC
Would you like me to give thoughts on why that eye didn't turn out?

Comment ID 85892

[Art] practice with people #7
Oct 13, 2011, 8:40:18 PM UTC on [Art] practice with people #7
Yes please :3.


  • Oct 13, 2011, 11:49:39 PM UTC
    OK, so I've attached a grey scale red line crit. I had to redraw it myself to see it as a whole picture. I can be ALOT more accurate with a reference with my crit but there's a few things up.

    First thing is that she's on a 3/4 view with everything but her eye. Cause it's a 3/4 view, the width of her eye actually narrows. I... can't tell you by how much, but the shape is more important than the size. Basically the side flattens off to the plane of the eye ball. If you imagine that the eyeball is a little wider than the eye- the angle that the eyebal would make is the curve you see on that outer edge. If she was looking to her right, you'd see the bump of the pupil on this angle.

    Secondly, her eye was too high. It's somethign that can't be shown without the visual crit though- essentially, the eye line runs on a perfect right angle to the line that the (unbroken) nose follows down the middle of the face (in the direction it's pointing) and the mouth when rested is centered on this, as is the chin. The eye is slightly higher on the outer sides of the eye. Something I like to do even with a line art is to shade a bit of the coloured area of the eye- it always feels more natural to me to have a shadow there.

    Since doing a redline for this however, I thought I'd point out a couple of other things if that's ok-

    When you draw the head. draw it with no hair first. Once she looks right without hair, THEN you put hair on. Not before. The reason for this is cause you get this lopsided phenomena. If you puff the hair from her head, you'll be able to see how far it bounces off or if anything gets in the way along the way.

    Withotu a referance, I can't back this up, but her hair isn't following gravity on her right there. Hair is pretty heavy, so unless it's got gel, or it's texture or length etc... hinder gravity in some way, it'll tend to fall downwards. Her shoulder looks like it's tilting up a little here so I puffed it out a little to make it look liek it was pushing against it. If it didn't sit on her shoulder, it'd likely go straight down, or in that general direction. I... can't back this up though cause she may have a special hair do in the referance though :< If she does, ignore me XD

    Lastly, a BIG tip I picked up with portraits is turning the page over and holding it up to the light. If you do that and it looks wonky, then fix the wonkiness up on the correct side. When it looks correct on both sides, you'll have a balanced picture. We're inherently VERY familiar with human faces, so when flipped, errors on the face are more obvious. It's something I normally do alot (except in my visual crit cause I did it with vivid ^^; Lol. Flip it and see- it's not too bad but it's wonky). IT'll make your life SO much easier when you get into the habit Smile

    I hope I was a help to you Yes
    Image attached
    • Oct 14, 2011, 5:15:40 AM UTC
      Haha awesome critique there.
      I'll start with the head then add the hair as you said. Her hair kinda is on the poofy side though xD
      As for the eye, I knew it was a lil larger then it should've been haha. Just the original thing I did was, "like this status and I'll draw your profile" on Facebook(doing this cause I figured if I learn how to draw more realisticly facially, learn more about how creases work with clothes, and environments, I can apply them to how I normally draw and up my skills more). Didn't want to spend alot of time as it was on it so threw that in xD.
      Though the original did have alot of things you have pointed out to me that I was doing wrong.
      it is of great help and mucho appreciated haha. Actually gonna use that advice and apply it now. I'll post the pic in replacement of this when I have better lighting to take a photo of it haha.
      Also I'll try that turning the paper and holding it towards the light thing xD. Never heard of that till now.
      Also I never heard of a red line till now xD. Its quite awesome shall I say.
      Oh and I'll get the reference pic. Though this pic is only a touch of what I've drawn, im sure when I post the final I'll be of great use to get good advice while I'm ahead xD
      • Oct 14, 2011, 5:16:37 AM UTC
        Also, Thanks alot Big Smile.
        I love good advice haha. Always trying to better myself.