Comment 87513

Comment ID 87513

[Art] Maid
Jul 8, 2012, 9:22:06 PM UTC on [Art] Maid
I like the maid's hair and her expression. She looks sad.

Backgrounds are a tricky thing! I'd suggest when you're about to draw a background, do some research and gather reference material first. One thing that caught my eye was the bright colors of the background. One thing that helps is to sample colors from a photo of a scene that feels the way you want your drawing's background to feel.

Good luck with it! Keep it up. Backgrounds are one of the tougher things to do but it's also an area where there's lots of jobs. A lot of animation work is making backgrounds.


  • Jul 9, 2012, 1:52:07 AM UTC
    Thank you Smile I do sometimes use references, though more often than not, I can take advantage of having a partially idetic memory. It's not perfect, but it works. I was going for a more woodsy theme with this one, though I only used textures that were pre-programed onto GIMP instead of making my own like I usually do. Just takes less effort, and I wasn't up for allot of effort in this one.

    As for the maid looking sad, it's the whole "indifferent expression" thing going on. Think of it as, you just got home, and there she is waiting to take your coat, posture perfect, and expression blank. That kind of thing. Tongue