Comment 90732

Comment ID 90732

[Art] Diamond is Unbreakable Lineart
Aug 9, 2016, 4:02:23 AM UTC on [Art] Diamond is Unbreakable Lineart
Another amazing work of art by the amazing Arkillian. Bravo!!!


  • Aug 11, 2016, 3:43:16 AM UTC
    Thank you, hon Smile I'm really happy with most of how it turned out. Do you have any thought's on the bottom half of the picture? It may be because it's not coloured, or simply because I had to butcher a reference together out of many, but the pose feels stiff. Do you have any thoughts on that? Thank you TuT
    • Aug 17, 2016, 10:39:19 PM UTC
      His arm forms a right angle. right angles make things appear stiff. So maybe make his hand point downward more?
      • Sep 21, 2016, 11:38:00 AM UTC
        Sorry it's been a while since I got this T.T I've been super buried T.T One of my friends suggested that making the arms from a strong square shape would be a good choice. I'm not sure how it'll look but I'm going to try that out. I've tried extending the arm and I can't get it to work out right T.T

        Thank you for your thoughts TuT I'll see how both options look soon Smile