Comment 90751

Comment ID 90751

[Art] Extra Flamey Willow and Tara
Aug 17, 2016, 10:57:41 PM UTC on [Art] Extra Flamey Willow and Tara
Nicely done.
I have trouble with faces. As you mentioned, it's difficult to try and draw a face at a different angle from your reference material. I don't know a solution other than to collect as many reference photos as possible and hope one is close enough.


  • Aug 18, 2016, 9:35:49 PM UTC
    Thank you. Smile

    And that makes sense. Especially in cases where there is a lot of reference available, as in recurring TV show characters. Although it can be pretty time-consuming and also there are some cases where there just isn't enough to work with and there's an active request or commission, so I should also look into alternative methods...