Comment 90787

Comment ID 90787

[Art] LARA
Sep 17, 2016, 5:50:11 AM UTC on [Art] LARA
Charming little portrait. I love the expression and hair texture, and getting things spot-on on a baby's face-shape isn't easy.


  • Sep 17, 2016, 9:25:00 PM UTC
    For portraits I use an overhead projector for the first few minutes to get all the demarcations correct. The piece at that stage looks like a "connect the dots" type of thing. Then I tack it up to my easel or on my drawing board, with the reference shot stuck up to the left, and spend the next few hours lazily putting in the shading. This was simple because I have so many pictures of my friend's granddaughter for sours materiel...I decided on pastels and did not "bear down" on them to create a very soft look. Most importanly though, I'M GLAD YOU LIKED IT Big Smile
    • Oct 5, 2016, 2:47:46 PM UTC
      Oh, that's cool. Smile We've got a sort of projector-y thing in the art lab at school which I've used occasionally if I need something to be perfect, but I don't always have access to that.