Comment 91132

Comment ID 91132

[Art] Roses Are Red
Jan 14, 2017, 12:46:00 AM UTC on [Art] Roses Are Red
I don't know if I'd be endeared or a little bit freaked out to meet a dragon toting a rose around in his teeth. :p The pipe-shaped stem is definitely aesthetically interesting, regardless! And the background clouds are quite pretty.


  • Jan 14, 2017, 3:53:25 PM UTC
    Reactions would rely on who the person is, for sure, though I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have to worry if it was this guy you met! And thanks~ I'm pretty good at clouds, though it had been a while since I've drawn any, besides in Waking To Snow, so I was working through some rust.
    • Jan 15, 2017, 3:19:25 AM UTC
      Well you're shaping up pretty well, for being out of practice.
      • Jan 15, 2017, 4:31:10 AM UTC
        Thank you~ It's a lot easier to get back to where you've been than it is to get to new places- well, most of the time, that is.