Comment 92610

Comment ID 92610

[Art] adv01
Nov 28, 2017, 8:25:12 AM UTC on [Art] adv01
The colors are very rich, I like how the gold around the piece is shaped. Tough one thing, seeing this I can't help but think of a fruity eye of Sauron, heh.


  • Jan 9, 2018, 10:45:42 PM UTC
    Heh, well, guess that can't be helped! The symbol I was basing it off of was extremely stylized, and I didn't want to alter it too heavily because I thought the customer liked the original aesthetic. But it was fun to do.

    The gold framing felt like a success story! I was working with a new toy - a tube of "texture gel" - trying to build up a kind of shallow relief sculpture before laying on the gold.