Comment 93227

Comment ID 93227

[Art] The Twins, Take 2
Feb 9, 2018, 1:42:24 AM UTC on [Art] The Twins, Take 2
This turned out really nice, the grittiness doesn't show up all to much on this end. The shading on them is executed very well, though it doesn't quite match with where the light source is from, though it holds to their form excellently. The way you did the hair is wonderful, it has texture and waviness, plus the slight green hue to it is very reminiscent of their natural orientation. I wasn't expecting the stripes to be burgundy, though it's a nice departure from what one would think and works well with the fauna aspect of nature.


  • Feb 27, 2018, 11:39:07 PM UTC
    You're right, the shading doesn't really match the light source. I can handwave it and say there's more light coming from elsewhere (luminescent spirits maybe?) but in all honesty the real reason is I'm still not so great at shading, but I think I'm gradually getting better.

    And actually, their stripes are bioluminescent and change color with their emotions/mood, kind of like chameleons. They happen to be purplish right now because that's the color the twins' stripes glow when they're feeling relaxed and invigorated at the same time. ^^
    • Mar 7, 2018, 7:01:06 AM UTC
      It can be hard to improve, I got where I did because my main go-to for critique is fascinated with lighting and so I spent a lot of time on it. Your shading has been improving, I remember some of your older work where it wasn't as refined.

      That is a neat aspect! Is it unique to green elves?