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Kodama - Cheering

Companions & Familiars

Normally peaceful spirits that will make their homes permanently in a single tree, a Kodama-inhabited tree can be identified by the strange noises that emanate from it. Though readily heard, the spirits themselves are usually invisible to the eye. A Kodama whose tree has been felled, either by natural causes or logging, may continue to haunt the fallen log, or even animate the log to serve as a mortal shell.


This Kodama's tree was an offshoot of the Healing Tree, it seems excited to encourage you in your training.


Stryx Companion. Can be removed and returned to inventory

  • +1 Valor to any battle training entry.

Bauble Price: N/A

Bauble Resell Value: 500 Baubles


Token Price: N/A

Token Resell Value: N/A


Lines by Tsuani-Inushiro and colored by Shavahiivallah


  • Id: 1613
  • Added on May 8, 2022

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