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Background Kit - Major


5 use item.

  • Creates 5 copies of a personal background that can then be traded or sold to other players.
    (Background Artwork MUST be original and made by you, or you must provide proof of permission to use it for this purpose if you commissioned from another artist.) Like with all backgrounds, once someone uses it, it cannot be resold.

How To Use:
When your background (BG) is complete, present your BG over at Item Purchases. Once you have the background confirmed, then go to Import Info Changes along with the proof link to your Kit to apply it to your import. 

If you want to apply it to a stryx that is going to go to Design Approval, you can still use it by linking it as an item in the Approvals form.

Remember to keep your confirmation proof comment link somewhere safe.

The Major BG Kit allows the owner to sell or trade copies. Your background must be confirmed before doing so.

How to Transfer Copies:
- Go to your comment where you purchased the Kit from Item Purchases.
- For each copy sold, write each person their proof as the new owner by replying to your own initial BG Kit purchase comment. Example shown here.
- Use this form:
Background: (title of the bg)
Copy #: (remember, there's only 5 copies)
Proof of Purchase: (insert the purchase comment here. If traded, then write "Trade")

This will be the proof comment for the buyer that the copy of the BG is theirs.



Bauble Price: N/A

Bauble Resell Value: N/A


Token Price: 5 Token

Token Resell Value: N/A


Art by lightningspam


  • Id: 239
  • Added on Apr 2, 2021

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