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Kodama - Vengeful

Companions & Familiars

Normally peaceful spirits that will make their homes permanently in a single tree, a Kodama-inhabited tree can be identified by the strange noises that emanate from it. Though readily heard, the spirits themselves are usually invisible to the eye. A Kodama whose tree has been felled, either by natural causes or logging, may continue to haunt the fallen log, or even animate the log to serve as a mortal shell.


Those Kodamas whose homes were intentionally cut down, regardless of the reason, seek vengeance on the perpetrator and anyone else who gets in their way.


Stryx Companion. Can be removed and returned to inventory

  • +1 Valor to any battle training entry.

Bauble Price: N/A

Bauble Resell Value: 500


Token Price: N/A

Token Resell Value: N/A


Art by InuShiro and Zeinjave


  • Id: 439
  • Added on Apr 24, 2021

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