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[MYO] Pygmy Basilisk C028

Companions & Familiars

Name: Noodle


Assigned StryxMarshmallow 9395 (Soul-Bound. Cannot be transferred.)

Species: Basilisk

Type: Pygmy

Bonus: A higher chance to find Prime Meat, as well as extra meat, when Hunting.

Description: Standard Basilisks can reach lengths of 20-30 ft., and are solitary hunters. Pygmy Basilisks are much smaller, usually about 2-3 ft., have tiny nubbly legs, and rely on their venom to dispatch prey. Their venom is an extremely potent neurotoxin, cabable of felling a fully grown Silverback. 

OriginJade Ascension Reward

DA Import: https://www.deviantart.com/alphastryx/art/Noodle-C028-789568564

Design byShavahiivallah


  • Id: 759
  • Added on Jun 1, 2021

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