Dragons of Aquella

Open group | 168 Members

Aquella's Birthday

The deadline has passed
Deadline: Apr 14, 2024, 4:59:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time

It’s Dragons of Aquella’s 13th birthday this year! (March 27th)  What better way than to celebrate with a party!

Aquella loves all kinds of birthday parties. She loves piñatas, balloons, noisemakers, fireworks, treats, cakes, music, dancing, flowers, just about anything really!

Everyone wants to throw her a party, or at least help in setting up the grand party. What kind of party do you want to throw for Aquella?


 - Depict your dragon setting up a party for or celebrating at a party with Aquella. -



      • A maximum of 4 Aqrion may be present per entry.

      • Visual entries must show at least a Fullbody, Coloured or Grayscale and at least a Standard Background.

      • Literature entries must include 700 words per entry.  Every additional dragon must add 150 Words.

