Dragons of Aquella

Open group | 168 Members

Painting Eggs

The deadline has passed
Deadline: Apr 20, 2024, 4:59:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time

Egg painting is an old tradition in the spring.

Everyone paints eggs and then the magical fae bunnies hide them while everyone sleeps.

In the morning there is a grand hunt to find all of the eggs!

Are you going to help get some eggs ready for the grand egg hunt?


- Depict your dragon painting eggs for the grand egg hunt. - 



      • A maximum of 4 Aqrion may be present per entry.

      • Visual entries must show at least a Fullbody, Coloured or Grayscale and at least a Standard Background.

      • Literature entries must include 700 words per entry.  Every additional dragon must add 150 Words.




Painted Egg Store items can be viewed here.