Dragons of Aquella

Open group | 168 Members

Grand Egg Hunt

The deadline has passed
Deadline: Apr 20, 2024, 4:59:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time

The Grand Egg Hunt is here!

Help us search for the eggs and you'll be rewarded with many prizes!

Where are they you say?

Why you'll have to search for them of course!


Head over to our website and your search shall begin!

There are 10 eggs scattered across the site. 

Once you find all 10 eggs, submit your request here for your rewards.  You'll have to name all 10 pages to collect the rewards.

Too hard?  Don't fret.

Everyone in our discord will be searching for the eggs too!  Everyone is allowed to help give hints on where they are finding their eggs.



Please respect others in their egg hunt. 

You may announce where you find the eggs, but please spoiler it in case folks want to search on their own.

