Dragons of Aquella

Open group | 168 Members
item picture

P - Sea Parrot [Spix]

Companions & Familiars


  • 1 for 2 Dubloon
Unlimited quantity available

Art by @Kassumi-7921

These feisty colourful creatures resemble parrots in appearance and behaviours, but are most closely related to the seal families.
They also have a habit of parroting and learning phrases said by their owners, this may pose a problem at some point...

- Stats (Lk): Increases Luck by +2
- Successful (Treasure Hunt): Adds a +20 to success chance when Treasure Hunting.
- Double Items (Treasure Hunt): 5% chance to double items found while Treasure Hunting.
- SP (+4 Treasure Hunt): Provides an additional +4SP bonus when drawn with the dragon owner while Treasure Hunting.

Obtained via Pirates Day Event.


  • Id: 1312
  • Added on Jan 8, 2022
  • ✅ Can be purchased
  • ✅ Can be traded

Crafting Recipes