
Open group | 203 Members

Geppetto & His Wooden Boy

Welcome To Nomcromancy!

Nomcromancy is finally open! Welcome to Nomcromancy an Original Species Art RPG by Sera Proto from Sera's Things (YouTube). In Nomcromancy you play the role of a necromancer who has given up on raising the dead and has taken up the latest magical sensation rocking the nation! Nomcromancy. Nomcromancy is the magical art of making golems of food and binding souls to their cakey flesh. Your Nomling is more than a pet, there are dangerous creatures out there called Hungers and Gluttons and they threaten the lives of Noms everywhere. You and your Nom will fight, draw, gain experience, level up, and evolve into newer stronger forms of Nom. If you haven't already please follow along with the guide "Make Your First Nomling" and "How To Submit Your Nomling" then the first quest then come back and participate in this event.

New Event: Geppetto & His Wooden Boy

Geppetto was a puppet maker who was consumed with his work and never had a chance to find a wife and start a family. He contemplates who will take over his business when he is gone, no one. He wonders who he will have to share his wisdom with, no one. Out of sadness he one day made a wooden boy, a small wooden child made in his own image and wished to himself "I wish you were my son". With a deep sigh he heads off to bed. After he's out for the night in comes a fairy who heard his wish and brings his child to life.


Geppetto got his wish and he finally had a son. Now walking in similar footsteps you make your first Nomling. A small statue made of food and you're nearly done. The next step says to bind a soul to the small food based amalgam. Alright, here goes nothing.


To participate in this even you need to draw your Nomcromancer making their Nomling. Unlike your Nomling there aren't many rules here. This can be your OC from another game or your fursona. But your Nomcromancer needs to be involved in some part of the process of either building the Food Golem or binding a soul to the Golem.



  • Submit a piece art depicting your Nomcromancer making your Nomling to this event. 
  • Image can be sketched, lined, colored, shaded, whatever you feel like doing. 
  • Make sure to tag your character so the art shows up on your page!



20 Motes

10 Cheddar

100 EXP

1 Mutation Lunchbox