Tales from Equestria

Open group | 170 Members




Vocations are special career paths that your characters can follow with specific tasks and abilities related to that particular vocation. Each vocation has its own set of ranks and requirements for advancement. Below are the vocations available and more will be added in the future. 


To have a character join a vocation or to rank up in an existing vocational track, please post in the Vocations Blog.

Knights of Equestria


With the realm being so dangerous to traverse, one of Princess Dawn Bringer’s first acts as ruler was to establish the Knights of Equestria. These knights were trained to protect citizens of the realm from all dangers outside of the city of Canterlot. The current Knight Commander is Sword Dancer. 



Requirements Advance to Said Rank

What the Rank Unlocks


  • Request to Join

Nothing currently. 


  • Create a piece where your character is doing a chore to help the Knights. This could be polishing armor, sharpening weapons, repairing sparring dummies, or even making them travel meals!

Basic Training Ability


  • Create a piece where your character is combat training. This could be with practice dummies, another page, or even a Knight!

  • Create a piece where your character is learning to track.

Advanced Training Ability

Veteran Knight

  • Create a piece where your character is battling a monster under the influence of Wild Magic!

  • Create a piece showing your character traveling the wilds of Equestria!

  • Create a piece showing your character helping travelers to safety.

  • Create a piece showing your character sparring with another Knight or the Knight Commander.

  • Create a piece showing your character after an injury.

Nothing currently.



Canterlot Daywatch Guard


Over time the Royal Guard was expanded to protect and serve all of Canterlot. This made the force so massive that it was split in two: the Daywatch and the Nightwatch. The Daywatch are responsible for serving the citizens of Canterlot during all daylight hours. The current Head of the Daywatch is True Heart.



Requirements Advance to Said Rank

What the Rank Unlocks

Daywatch Apprentice

  • Request to Join

Nothing currently. 

Daywatch Trainee

  • Create a piece where your character is doing a chore to help the Daywatch Guard. This could be polishing armor, sharpening weapons, repairing sparring dummies, or even making them meals for their patrol shifts!

Basic Training Ability

Daywatch Guard

  • Create a piece where your character is combat training. This could be with practice dummies, another trainee, or even a Daywatch Guard!

  • Create a piece where your character is learning their patrol route during the day.

Advanced Training Ability

Daywatch Squad Leader

  • Create a piece showing your character on patrol in their official Daywatch Guard attire!

  • Create a piece showing your character helping a Canterlot citizen with a problem.

  • Create a piece showing your character welcoming and helping newcomers to Canterlot.

  • Create a piece showing your character standing watch in bad weather. 

  • Create a piece showing your character accompanying Dawn Bringer through the city.

Nothing currently.



Canterlot Nightwatch Guard


Over time the Royal Guard was expanded to protect and serve all of Canterlot. This made the force so massive that it was split in two: the Daywatch and the Nightwatch. The Nightwatch are responsible for serving the citizens of Canterlot during all night hours. This force was originally converted from the guards that once served Princess Luna herself and many of their descendants still serve in the Nightwatch today. The current Head of the Nightwatch is Dark Wing.



Requirements Advance to Said Rank

What the Rank Unlocks

Nightwatch Apprentice

  • Request to Join

Nothing currently. 

Nightwatch Trainee

  • Create a piece where your character is doing a chore to help the Nightwatch Guard. This could be polishing armor, sharpening weapons, repairing sparring dummies, or even making them meals for their patrol shifts!

Basic Training Ability

Nightwatch Guard

  • Create a piece where your character is combat training. This could be with practice dummies, another trainee, or even a Nightwatch Guard!

  • Create a piece where your character is learning their patrol route at night.

Advanced Training Ability

Nightwatch Squad Leader

  • Create a piece showing your character on patrol in their official Nightwatch Guard attire!

  • Create a piece showing your character helping a Canterlot citizen with a problem.

  • Create a piece showing your character welcoming and helping newcomers to Canterlot.

  • Create a piece showing your character standing watch in bad weather. 

  • Create a piece showing your character accompanying Dawn Bringer through the city.

Nothing currently.



Canterlot School of Magic


Originally established by Princess Celestia, the Canterlot School of Magic is seen as the official expertise on Traditional Magic. Anyone who wants to be taken seriously in magical studies must go through this school. Please note that currently only unicorns may attend.



Requirements Advance to Said Rank

What the Rank Unlocks


  • Request to Join

Nothing currently. 


  • Create a piece showing your character studying books or scrolls about Traditional Magic.

Foundational Knowledge Ability


  • Create a piece showing your character practicing a simple spell.

  • Create a piece showing your character researching magic! This can be either in an academic setting or in the field.

Scholarly Knowledge Ability


  • Create a piece showing your character doing a complicated spell.

  • Create a piece showing your character helping someone with magic.

  • Create a piece showing your character demonstrating a spell to a student. The student may be a real character or fictional.

  • Create a piece showing your character researching magic of some kind.

  • Create a piece showing your character documenting their magic research.

Nothing currently.



Merchant's Guild


In the past, a great Merchant’s Guild thrived, supporting and encouraging all levels of commerce. With the surge of Wild Magic and the instability of Equestria, the Guild became a husk, an unused monument to a more prosperous time. Recently, however, Equestria has been slowly reaching further and further into its old lands and connecting with more creatures that have carved out an existence in the uncertainty. Trade routes have begun to solidify again. In response, those with resources and influence have revived the Merchants Guild once more in hopes of encouraging the economy of Equestria to prosper.



Requirements Advance to Said Rank

What the Rank Unlocks


  • Request to Join

Trader Status


  • Create a piece where your character is honing their craft, trade, or service.

  • Create a piece where your character makes a successful sale or successfully performs a service.

Merchant Status


  • Create a piece where your character wins a competition related to their craft, trade, or service.

  • Create a piece where your character acquires ingredients, materials, or resources needed for their craft, trade, or service.

  • Create a piece where your character mentors another character (real or NPC) on their craft, trade, or service.

  • Create a piece where your character makes an abnormally profitable transaction of their craft, trade, or service.

Entrepreneur Status



Equestria Search and Rescue Brigade (ESaRB)


In response to the recent Earthquake, Dawn Bringer decreed that a specialized task force would be created. While Dawn Bringer founded the Equestria Search and Rescue Brigade (ESaRB), the new Earth Pony council member Compass Rose was given charge of it. Unlike other factions with linear progression, members of ESaRB choose specialties and develop their roles in order to maximize efficiency.



Requirements Advance to Said Rank

What the Rank Unlocks


  • Request to Join

Nothing currently.


  • Create a piece showing your character studying maps or mapping terrain.

Eagle Eye Ability


  • Create a piece showing your character organizing medical supplies or practicing first aid on a dummy.

First Responder Ability


  • Create a piece showing your character studying tracks, broken foliage, or other tracking signs.

Eagle Eye Ability

Recovery Specialist

  • Create a piece showing your character clearly obstacles such as floodwater, downed trees, fallen boulders, etc.

First Responder Ability