Tales from Equestria

Open group | 169 Members

December Event Finale

December Event Finale


Golden Sage communicated King Rosebud’s challenge to Dawn Bringer, who quickly called out to citizens of Equestria to show he was wrong about them. A demonstration by her, an alicorn princess, would mean nothing. It had to come from the people.


Ponies near and far were quick to show their interpretation of the Heart’s gauntlet. Animal lovers like Second Star (Neonsparks) showed how many smaller, helpless creatures trusted and relied upon them. More humble ponies showed how they nurtured gardens or ponds. Some ponies, like Mixtus (Bakinaage), even demonstrated blossoming wild magic affinities with other natural elements. Even small foals tried to show they avoided stepping on ants or trampling sprouts. 


Golden Sage shared every instance using an enchanted artifact she’d brought with her. She watched King Rosebud carefully at each display, hoping for a sign of his opinion wavering. Dread pooled in her gut when his face remained stoney through it all. Was he truly unimpressed, or simply stubborn?


When she had nothing left to show him, she put the artifact away.


“Is that all?” King Rosebud asked cooly.


“Yes, sire.” Golden Sage tried to hide her anxiety and the wave of disappointment that threatened to overwhelm her.


King Rosebud walked away from her and went to stand at one of the towering windows. There was no glass there, just an opening to the forest outside. Minutes passed and she began to wonder if she should speak, but instead the stag gave a sign that seemed to weigh as much as the tree surrounding them.


“I do not truly believe you ponies can change,” King Rosebud stated, still not facing here. “However, I will not be the one to stand in the way of your attempt. I will send some of my most experienced Foresters with you for guidance. Your success and your failure shall be your own.”


It was with little fanfare or preparation that Golden Sage was sent off with the Foresters King Rosebud had promised. They varied greatly in age and appearance, but all had plantlife woven into fur or around antlers. While some were reserved, none were as chilly in temperament as King Rosebud. Perhaps that was purposeful. In the end they were meant to be teachers and mentors, after all. 


With the aid of the train, mages, and strong wilderness ponies, the Foresters were brought to the heart of the blizzard and their hopeless brethren. The change was not instantaneous as many may have hoped. There was not a secret word or exercise that immediately helped the reindeer regain control. For an outsider it may have seemed like a lot of talking and meditation, but the Foresters were patient. One core message was clear in their lessons: Stop fighting the wild magic within you. Stop trying to conquer it, to chain it. You are not its master. You are, rather, a conduit. A vessel. Focus on opening yourself and becoming one with it.


These messages, when overheard by the likes of Jade Castor and other mages, were met with discontent. Tensions remained high among the onlooking ponies, as it was clear that the reindeer would only be given so long.


Gradually, oh so slowly, changes were felt across Equestria. First the winds of the blizzard died down and then ceased. The huge flakes of snow began to shrink into smaller flecks before disappearing entirely. The sun pushed the clouds back and the air warmed. Things were returning to normal, bit by bit.


The ponies were summoned back to Equestria, much to Jade Castor’s reluctance. Holding back his growing resentments was getting harder and harder to do. Wild Magic was being given so much liberty now, when it was the cause of so much suffering. Had everyone forgotten? The churning brew of discontent continued to simmer in his mind even as he returned to the School of Magic.


The snow and ice melted over the coming weeks across Equestria. The Foresters, once finished with the reindeer, stationed themselves in various cities to offer guidance. Perhaps the days of uncontrolled wild magic abilities were behind them. Everypony could only hope it was that simple.


Deer are now available as a rare species!

Want a deer for yourself? Claim a Winter Talisman here!

[Temporarily on DISCORD, will have a separate blog once some bugs have been resolved for blog posts.]


Ice and Plant affinities are now available! Read the affinities information to find out how to acquire them.