Browsing items with tag: #informational

  • One Shot/Smut Shot Request Forms

    Sep 2, 2009, 6:57:58 AM | 2 minutes


    IMPORTANT NOTICE!!!: Bellow are the One Shot and Smut Shot Request Forms. Rarely will I accept CC+CC and OC+OC Requests! Be forwarned that if you do not take note in your spelling or grammar, I will disregard your request completely, so get a Spell Check! Fill out EVERY Answer as best you possibly can. Thank you.


    CC means Canon Character(Character from Show, Manga, Story, not created by you or anyone NOT involved in the original works.)

    OC means Original Character


    Fandom: (Yu Yu Hakusho, InuYasha, Death Note, etc.)

    Pairing: (This Canon Character with That Canon Character)

    Genre: (As in Utter Romance, Ends in Tragedy)

    Specific Happenings: (Canon Character 1 admits their love in the begining and Canon Character 2 won't admit until end)

    Extra: (Mention certain songs, bands restaurants, etc.)


    Fandom: (Yu Yu Hakusho, InuYasha, Death Note, etc.)

    Pairing: (This Canon Character with An Original Character)

    Original Character: (Name, Age, Powers, Mentionable or Determaining History, Scar[s], Pet[s], Family, Hair, Heigh, Eyes, Skin, Personality, etc.)

    Genre: (As in Utter Romance, Ends in Tragedy)

    Specific Happenings: (CC admits their love in the begining and OC won't admit until end)

    Extra:(Mention certain songs, bands restaurants, etc.)


    Fandom:(Yu Yu Hakusho, InuYasha, Death Note, etc.)

    Pairing: (This OC with That OC)

    Original Character #1:(Name, Age, Powers, Mentionable or Determaining History, Scar[s], Pet[s], Family, Hair, Heigh, Eyes, Skin, Personality, etc.)

    Original Character #2: (Name, Age, Powers, Mentionable or Determaining History, Scar[s], Pet[s], Family, Hair, Heigh, Eyes, Skin, Personality, etc.)

    Genre: (As in Utter Romance, Ends in Tragedy)

    Specific Happenings: (OC 1 admits their love in the begining and OC 2 won't admit until end)

    Extra: (Mention certain songs, bands restaurants, etc.)
  • FAQ in a sense...

    Mar 5, 2009, 1:22:56 AM | 3 minutes

    Hello, hello.

    As the title suggests, this will be a Frequaintly Asked Questions blog entry that I'll, yuknow, add to every now and again... (Since I don't get asked many questions in the first place!)


    Will you make me something?

    Uh... No. I generally don't do Pixel Doll Requests.

    What program do you use?

    MicroSoft Paint.

    Do you make Pixel Doll Bases?

    Indeed I do! They can be found on my Deviantart Account!

    I want to learn how to make Pixel Dolls... Do you have any suggestions?

    Have fun, learn about shadows, learn about movement, learn about cloth, learn about hair, Learn about line work... Maybe buy a few drawing books? ALSO! Don't get pressumptuous and bite off more than you can chew... That will hurt when you don't come out satisfied in any way. So, just be careful.

    Do you take Pixel Doll Base Requests?

    Not often... I don't do Anime Bases, though. Absolutely not. There are enough of those out there and they're far too simple for my tastes.



    Will you write me a poem?

    No. Poems are personal in my eyes.

    Will you write a story for me?

    A story? Full fledged, multi-chaptered? Hahaha, no.

    Will you write a One Shot for me?

    Depends... Depends on the fandom, pairing, what you want... I will need really detailed specifics... Below the rest of the FAQ there will be a One Shot Request Form in which you may fill out. But, I warn you, I most likely won't do Male(X)Male or Female(X)Female...

    Will you write a Smut Shot for me?

    Depends... Depends on the fandom, pairing, what you want... I will need really detailed specifics... Below the rest of the FAQ there will be a One Shot Request Form in which you may fill out. But, I warn you, I most likely won't do Male(X)Male or Female(X)Female...

    What is a Smut Shot?

    *Chuckles* A One Shot is mostly a fluffy or non fluffy over all, one chaptered tale featuring either one or more characters. A Smut Shot is the Adult Version... The sex and nudety of One Shots. A Smut Shot focusses more on said sex and nudity while a One Shot is more about the feeling of completion or something big happening. Like You have regular Paperdemon, or a One Shot, then you have the Red Curtain, or a Smut Shot...   SMUT SHOT = ADULT CONTENT  /  ONE SHOT = GENERAL AUDIANCE

    Will you add a character of mine or likeness of myself to your story if I ask?


    Will you add a character of mine or likeness of myself to your story if I don't as?

    Are you kidding? No.

    Can you make your "inappropriate" Stories in a milder rating so that I might be able to read them without entering the Red Curtain?

    This is not Burger King, kids... I'm not your mother, father, brother, sister, cousin, uncle, aunt, grandmother, grandfather, or friend... My stories... If you're not old enough to read them, either come back when you're older, or leave me be. I'm a writer/artist, not your slave.

    If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask and I shall answer and add them to this! Thank you!