Shrivastava: Part One - Possession

Published Jun 20, 2004, 5:58:16 AM UTC | Last updated Aug 19, 2007, 11:19:28 PM | Total Chapters 2

Story Summary

Shaadiv is a world swathed in mystery and shadow. It is also home to the pleasure gorgon, a demon with the ability to seduce mortals and feed upon their sexual energies. A young pleasure gorgon, Nehrashti, has his life turned upside down when he is taken from his family at an early age to become a concubine for the Gorgon Queen Hahtra Abi Bhevya. What is in store for the demon-boy taken from all he knows and forced to placate his fickle mistress?

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Chapter NaN: Part One - Possession

 Pleasure Gorgons

 Lust, greed, vanity: All these things describe the nature of the Pleasure Gorgon tribes. These specialized demons have the power to cause instantaneous bliss with a single touch. This physical attack, harnessed by a powerful gorgon, can burst mortal hearts or cause a permanent state of delirium. It is a common gift, but only the most diligent gorgon can harness the heightened level of focus to actually slay their victims. They covet all that is material and are the apogee of self-worship. 


If you care to critique I'm am looking for input on the plot structure, dialouge, grammar, imagery and chartacter development.  Thanks!






Nehra’s imprisonment begins with in the opulent passages of Palace Vahin, ancient hub of the gorgon empire.  Hahtra’s palace is inundated by Havoc demons. The particularly unintelligent and malleable beasts are her muscle and have become reviled among gorgon kind. Consorting with havoc demons remains a major taboo, but the ruling gorgon tribes say nothing so as not to bring Hahtra's wrath down upon them. Her networks of spies are always listening.

Nehra is no easy catch.  He fights his captors and quickly becomes a troublesome charge. Frightened and angry Nehra is quickly overwhelmed by his predicament. After a dusty and lengthy ride over the arid lands of his tribe, his journey delves in to the dark forests of central Sebalia.  Nehra arrives at the palace and is handed over to the palace attendants. While grateful to be away from the foul smelling havoc demons Nehra’s soon faces a more painful transition.  The young gorgon is bathed and groomed then forcibly circumcised per the Queens tastes then left alone to heal for a few days.

He is quickly instructed on how to act then dressed in the scant livery of a concubine then presented to his future mistress.
Hahtra has ruled over the gorgon tribes for two millennia.  She is a voluptuous 5’10, milky white skin and shimmering wavy pink hair, with icy blue eyes. She is powerful, unfeeling and devious and gets what she wants without question.  She has an insatiable hunger for gorgon children.  Children frequent her extensive harem, but are not exclusive.  Among the gorgon tribe’s children are thought of as unripe fruit - not to be wholly enjoyed until ripe. Sadly, to despoil a child is not unheard of just in bad taste.

When Nehra meets Hahtra, he is rebellious. He scowls at her, pouts and demands to go home.  Her new pet amuses Hahtra, however, she will not tolerate disobedience. Nehra soon discovers that Hahtra has no qualms with inflicting pain when he is insolent.

Nehra is lead to a large lavishly decorated chamber. The walls are emblazed with richly embroidered tapestry and stone relief.  Great polished stone columns support the ornate ceiling.  Gilded sconces light the entire chamber and flickering braziers built in to the marble floor cast eerie shadows.  The air is laden with a pleasant musk.  The attendant guides him forward.  To the end of the chamber where a great feast is laid out filling the air with enticing aroma of freshly prepared breads, roast cuts of succulent meats and delectable pastries.  Nehra’s mouth watered at the sight of such a feast.  His meals of old bread and water over the last few days had left him longing for something more substantial.  Beyond the grand spread was a extravagant dais and sitting atop that dais was the pale curvaceous form of a gorgoness.  Her bejeweled and elegantly painted visage turned to regard him.  

“Oh, yes…my new pet”.  The gorgoness beamed, genuinely excited.  The female attendant bowed low and with her eyes cast down spoke to the gorgon Queen.
“ Your majesty.”

The Queen’s sculpted brow rose.  “Hmm,” She motioned. Her painted finger nails glinted in the fire light.  “Come nearer boy.”  The attendant bowed and stepped aside.  Nehra looked around cautiously.  He was not exactly thrilled about approaching the beckoning Queen.  Something about her stare made him uneasy.

The Queen waved gracefully.  “Yes, come now.  Let me look at you.”  Nehra fidgeted, wringing his hands nervously.  After another tense moment, he stepped forward then slowly closed the gap.  Nehra took another tentative step then felt his skin prickle as the gorgon Queen’s cool fingers slipped around his neck to cradle the back of his head.  She turned his head gently while her fingers caressed in his cropped red hair.  

“Ah, very nice. “  The Queen continued to speak yet her voice fell to a whisper as her hand moved to support his chin.  “Such clear green eyes.”  Her lips creased, smiling softly.  His amber skin and lustrous crimson hair pleased her.  Her eyes wondered over his slim frame.  He will be quite tall.  The Queen nodded, approvingly.  

Nehra blinked and gazed bravely in to the Queen’s blue eyes.  Her expression was neutral when their eyes met.  The Gorgon Queens’ thumb gently traced the contour of Nehra’s lips.  “Boy,” she inquired.  “What is your name?”
He hesitated.  “Nehrashti…”
She grimaced.  “You will address me as Mistress.”  She waited patiently.  It took Nehra a few moments to understand.  “Nehrashti,” he replied quietly.  “Mistress.”
Hahtra nodded, pleased.  “You belong to your mistress, Nehrashti.”
“But my mother…”
Hahtra’s brow creased irritably.  Her hand slid down from the nape of his neck and around his arm.  Her grip tightened.  
“You belong to your mistress!”  She spat.  Nehra tried to recoil but her grip held fast.
“But I…”  He began.  The gorgoness delivered a fierce stinging slap.  Nehra whimpered meekly as tears ran down his cheeks.
“Silence.”  She huffed.  “Where does Brega find these impertinent whelps?”  

“He will do! Train him properly,” Hahtra stressed.  “Let his hair grow out.  That cropped hair does him no good.  Dress him in azure.”  

The female attendant bowed in acknowledgement.    The Queen spun him around barking a command. “I want him ready with in the week.”  The female attendant rushed forward and escorted Nehra away.

The dark haired attendant guided Nehra to a simple wooden table and forced him to sit on an old stool. A few sconces lighted the room dimly.   She sat across from him; her dark eyes flashed determinedly before she spoke.

“Listen well, boy.  I will not repeat myself.  I am Rala-ma.  You will address me as such.  I am the Queen’s head attendant and I will be your educator.  You will learn to how to conduct yourself in the presence of your mistress.  Do not waste my time.  If you refuse you will be whipped, if you make a mistake you will be whipped, if you prove unworthy of your mistress, The Queen, you will be disposed of.  And remember, my punishment will be far less painful than anything The Queen would have in store for you if you were careless or disobedient. Understood?”
Nehra nodded.
Rala’ma slammed her fist on the table. “ Understood!”
Nehra winced. “Yes, Rala-ma!”

Over the course of three days Nehra is poked, prodded and incessantly drilled in the ways of a proper royal concubine.  He is taught how to prostrate before his mistress, pour drinks without spilling, speak and act accordingly.  

Rala’ma paced, arms clasped loosely behind her back.  “You must control you bodily functions.  If you must relieve yourself you will wait until you are permitted to leave your mistress’ side.  I recommend getting that out of the way early in the morning before your Mistress wakes.  There will be no accidents!”  

Rala-ma’s brow creased. “Can you read or write?”
Nehra shook his head. “No, Rala’ma.”
“Hmph!” Rala-ma scowled.

Nehra wept as he rubbed the welt on his arm.  He had stumbled when executing one of Rala-mas’ directions and she had quickly rapt him with her switch.  She was good at creating much pain will little evidence.  She could not bruise him for fear that she would be whipped herself.

He is guided to a curtained corner of Hahtra’s private chambers.  Within is a small area strewn with soft pillows and a few coverlets.  When the curtain fell and he was sure he was alone Nehra crumpled in to a heap and wept quietly.
“ I want to go home.”  Nehra muttered.

“You’d better stop crying.”
Nehra jumped and looked toward the voice.
A head popped up from the pile of pillows at the far end of the alcove.  A young gorgon female regarded him.  Her bright eyes studied Nehra for a moment.
“If she hears you you’ll get the goad again and then you will really cry.”
Nehra wiped his eyes.  “Who are you?”
“I am Kriti.”  She smiled, crawling towards him.  “I am your personal attendant.”  
“You mustn’t cry loudly. “  Kriti spoke quietly.  “If you must, cry in to a pillow.”
Nehra did not say anything and sniffled again then nodded meekly.
“You don’t act like a dasa,” She said.  “I could tell when you arrived.”
Nehra thought for a moment.  “What is dasa?”  

Kriti lay back upon the pillows and sighed.  “They’re skilled concubines who live to serve.  I met one when I was first assigned to the queen’s chambers.  They’re all brain washed.  They know of nothing else but to serve their master or mistress.  They certainly don’t spend their nights crying.”
Nehra grimaced, embarrassed.  Kriti sat up, smoothing her brown hair over her diminutive horns.
“Don’t take it wrong.  I’m not dasa either.  My family sold me away to settle a debt.”  The girl’s green eyes hardened as she spoke.  “I ended up in the scullery, but I was little prettier than the average scullery attendant so I was trained and assigned here.”
The youths sat quietly for a moment.  “The pishachas took me from my home.”  Nehra’s eyes welled up again.  “…From my mother.”  Nehra buried is head in his arms while his body trembled.  
“Pishachas,” Kriti repeated.  “That’s an old word for the havoc spawn. A bit formal.”  
Kriti smirked. “You give them too much credit…”She paused. “  What is your name?”
Nehra looked up.  “Nehrashti.”
She crept forward and sat next to her sobbing bunkmate.
“Don’t be troubled, Nehrashti.”  She whispered.  “I’ll look after you.”
Kriti smiled a bit and put her arm around his shoulders.  “I will teach you your manners.  Then you can avoid getting Rala-ma angry.  If she’s happy, we’re happy.”

Young Nehra makes fast friends with Kriti.  As promised, the young girl teaches him how to please his mistress.  Despite his first encounter, Hahtra, she seems gentle almost affectionate towards him.  

As Hahtra’s new pet he is paraded around in front of Hahtra’s sniveling admirers.  He is well groomed and clad in the finest livery and bejeweled adornments.  Nehra learned to serve his Mistress’ drinks and smile warmly when directed.

As days become months and then years,  Nehra approaches young adulthood and his adolescent frame grew lean and sinuous.  Despite his younger years, he now stands a head taller than his female companion.

Kriti is equally affected by the passage of time.  Her curves grow softer and fuller and Nehra cannot help but stare at her when she undresses to bathe him.  Kriti is well aware of the physical changes of her charge.  She delights over his attention.  Her coy smiles and sidelong glances often make Nehra’s amber skin flush hotly.  

Hahtra quickly realized her male concubine is becoming a young man.  The Queen suddenly lavishes him with attention.  She makes sure to brush his hand when he leans in to pour her drinks.  She snuggles up behind him and presses her ample bosom on to the bare flesh of his back.  The thin silk of her livery does little to mask the telltale firmness of her pert nipples.  She teases him mercilessly, enticing him with her shapely body.  It is utter torture to his burgeoning pubescent sensibilities.

Nehra knelt quietly on a silken cushion, gently cradling a polished golden carafe of pungent Bara.  He kept his eyes down cast, but his slender ears listened to the animated and often humorous chatter of the gorgon queen’s dinner guests.  
“Your red-head has grown quite tall.  How old is he?”
The gorgon Queen’s pale brow arched intriguingly. “Only just coming of age, actually.”
“Hmph,” said one gorgon.  “I thought your majesty tastes might be moving on to more mature amusements.”
“Not likely,” Hahtra retorted.  “He is quite stunning, yes?”
There was a collective agreement by way of affirmative grunts.
“Nehrashti,” Hahtra smiled broadly.  “My sweet.  You will join me this evening.”
Nehra glanced nervously at his mistress.  Kriti heard Hahtra’s voice from a distance while serving food.  The blond concubine has her eyes averted obediently to the floor.  Nehra’s voice wavers.  “Y...yes, Mistress.”
When Nehra joins his bunkmate in their evening bath Kriti is silent.  Nehra fidgeted in the warm water.  Nehra’s lips parted to speak, but Kriti cut him off.
“It’s all right Nehrashti.”
Their eyes met and it made his heart sink to see the worry in her gaze.
“Be careful.”  She said, and then climbed out of the basin.  Nehra sat quietly listening to her wet footfalls fade in to the distance.

Nehra is not sure what Hahtra has in store for him.  The Queen’s personal attendants are waiting for him when he leaves the bathing chamber.  They groom and dress him and guide him to Hahtra’s sleeping chamber.  Within the candle lit chamber his mistress waited upon a lavish divan behind a sheer blue silk curtain.  She instructed him to sit on a pillow at the foot of her bed.  To his surprise, a third figure entered the room and joined the gorgoness on her bed.  The newcomer is a collared male concubine, nude and muscular moreover not much older than he.  He prostrated before the gorgon Queen, begging her kindness.  Nehra watched with genuine interest as The Queen demonstrated her sexual prowess in full view.  Hahtra cast aside her livery, straddled the enthusiastic concubine and expertly aroused his loins with practiced fingers.  She guided her partner’s lips to her round breasts while her hands fondle the moist pink treasure between her soft thighs. She glanced at Nehra making sure he is watching, hearing everything!  Nehra squirmed at the delicious sights and sounds and soon became aware of his own erection. He ached for release yet hesitated to explore the possibilities of the wondrous sensations he was feeling.
Hahtra smiled wickedly, delighting in her young pet’s dilemma.  She settled down upon the rigid shaft of her eager partner, writhing, moaning until her pale skin is dappled with sweat.  Nehra averted his gaze.
Hahtra hissed.  “Do not look away boy!”  Nehra felt like his body would split. With an unspoken signal, Hahtra prompts her nameless partner to climax. Among the sputtering gasps of pleasure, Nehra’s head is swimming with images of Hahtra’s open thighs as she allowed the concubines hot leavings to slither from her insides in to a puddle unto the spent body beneath her.

Nehra stumbled in to his sleeping alcove and fell in to a fetal position among the pillows. Kriti awakened and regarded him through in the darkness.
“Nehra.”  She whispered.  “Are you all right?”
Nehra squirmed uncomfortably.
She heard his labored breathing and sat up.  “Nehra?”
“No,” he replied finally.  “I…well, I don’t know!”  His body was wracked with wonderful and horrible sensations all at once. The erection beneath his livery was aching to break free, and he could not shake the ringing in his ears. It seemed like his blood would burst from his skin! Kriti moved over next to him and felt his damp skin under her fingers.  She reassured herself and nudged him tenderly.  “Nehra, I know how it feels.”
Nehra hesitated then replied.  “What?”
“Let me…”  Kriti tugged at his side. “I can help you.”
“Help?” He asked.  Kriti pulled Nehra over pressing his shoulders to the carpeted floor.  She nimbly unclasped his loincloth and cast it aside.  Nehra sighed gratefully as his engorged loins were set free.  He felt Kriti hovering over him and her warm breath on his stomach.  Before he could ask her what she was doing, he felt something phenomenal that made him gasp loudly.  Kriti’s moist lips slid over the head of his erection while her hand firmly gripped his shaft.  Nehra sighed loudly.  His body bucked eagerly and he did all he could not to give in to release now.

She rose up shortly.  “Lie still.”  She instructed.  A whimper escaped his throat as she began to work, slowly stroking with her hands, mouth and slippery tongue.
“Kriti.”  Nehra breathed threw clenched teeth.
She continued her manipulations until he could not hold back any more.  Nehra is slender body quaked as a heavy tugging sensation seemed to generate a thrilling pulse that traveled from his testicles along the length of his shaft.  Kriti knowingly increased her grip and buried his twitching erection deep in her mouth.  Nehra came fiercely, stifling his blissful cries by biting his lip.  Kriti felt his warm leavings coat the back of her throat.  Nehra panted loudly as the storm in his loins ebbed.  Aside from a slight ringing in his ears, Nehra felt his wits returning.  He heard a quiet giggle from Kriti as she licked her lips.
Kriti sat up and regarded his shrouded form through the darkness.  “You’re a bit more endowed than I previously thought.”
Nehra yawned.  “Huh?”
“Never mind.”  She scooted in beside him and threw a coverlet over his naked body.
Nehra was already asleep.

Nehra collapsed in to the relative privacy of the alcove, sighing deeply as he settled in to the pillows.  He tossed and turned for a while.  Kriti came awake when she could no longer ignore his fidgeting.  She turned over to face him.  Her hands reached out in to the dimness to stroke his face.  Nehra closed his eyes and relished her gentle touch.  Her fingers traced along his arm down to his wrist.  Nehra’s skin prickled.  Nehra sighed quietly and reached for her.  He pulled her in to a loose embrace then pressed his lips to hers.  Kriti responded willingly then drew him to her for another soft kiss.  The young gorgon’s sank in to the pillows of their alcove touching, tasting one another.  Nehra’s mouth wandered over Kriti’s body pausing over the soft mounds of her breasts, then down to her navel then further still to the moist recess between her thighs.  Taking a cue from his Mistress’ spontaneous demonstrations, Nehra pulled aside Kriti’s livery and deftly tasted her wetness.  Kriti shuddered with delight grinding her hips against his exploring tongue.   

Kriti wanted desperately to feel him inside her, but she was fully aware of the consequences of such an act.  Her lowly station denied her such pleasures.  Kriti felt a tear of frustration slide down her cheek.  She leaned toward him finding his face and kissed Nehra deeply.   

Outside the heavy drape of the young concubines sleeping alcove a shadow slowly crept along the length of the dark polished floor toward the diaphanous curtain separating the alcove from the rest of the chapter.  Within Nehra panted loudly holding on for just a moment longer before he came.  His body shuddered and an exquisite release encompassed him, which electrified his senses.  Kriti felt his shaft twitch within her mouth and she reveled in the hot fullness as his seed slid down her throat.  There then came a rustle of fabric and then the heavy curtain hiding them swung wide revealing a shapely silhouette.  Kriti cried out and pushed Nehra aside.  Standing in the dim candlelit of the chamber, Queen Hahtra glowered furiously at the two young gorgons.

Kriti wept fearfully, begging for mercy.  “Mistress, please…”

Hahtra's placid expression twisted with contempt.  "Silence!”  The Queen shrieked.  Nehra glanced up at his mistress woefully and watched the enraged gorgoness yank Kriti to her knees.  Kriti screamed in pain as she was dragged away by her blond tresses.
Nehra scurried up to his mistress and groveled at her feet.  "Please, Mistress.  It was not her fault!”
Kriti glanced at Nehra tearfully.
He searched his mind frantically.  “I forced her!"
Hahtra ignored Nehra.  She glared at Kriti disapprovingly.  Damn you, idiotic girl!  
"Kriti!”  Hahtra sneered.  Kriti whimpered pitifully.  “You’re services are no longer required!"

With hands much more, powerful than they looked Hahtra wrapped her fingers around Kriti's slender neck and began to crush her windpipe.  Nehra rose up reaching for Kriti's struggling body.  Hahtra loosed her grip briefly then backhanded Nehra in the jaw. He crumpled away from her bruising blow.  Kriti coughed pitifully for a few moments before the blue-eyed gorgoness continued to crush the juvenile’s throat.  By now a few attendants had appeared, watching the scene cautiously from a safe distance, attracted by Kriti’s plaintive yelp as her airway was sharply cut off.  All looked on in horror as Kriti gagged and kicked wildly.  

Hahtra grunted and there soon came a sickening snap and Kriti grew still.  Hahtra huffed and let the girls’ body wilt to the floor.  Nehra clenched his jaw in grief and looked away, sobbing in silence.  The portal that lead out in to the main corridor flung wide and a havoc demon sauntered in to the chamber.  The grizzly looking beast observed the setting then bowed to the Queen.  The havoc demon’s gravely voice broke the eerie calm.
"Your majesty?"
Hahtra wiped her hands along her embroidered robe and pointed to the floor.
"Get rid of it!" she snapped.

The havoc demon's dark eyes gleamed enthusiastically.  His leathery wings twitched and he rushed forward and plucked Kriti's lifeless body from the floor, turned and disappeared with his prize.  

Nehra felt the unmistakable weight of the Queen’s steely gaze upon him.  He audaciously looked his mistress in the face, his bright green eyes meeting her cold blue.  There was a silent pause then Hahtra’s painted lips curled in to a self-assured smile.
"Collect yourself, my pet.”  She relaxed her shoulders and smoothed her undulating hair.

She turned and walked away with a flutter of her silken attire.
“Clean him up," She instructed.  The bewildered attendants rushed forward to pick Nehra up from the floor and lead him to the bathing quarters.  
Act II

Many forlorn years pass under Hahtra's domination.  She taunts him, tests him.  Hahtra constantly toys with his mind and body.  He becomes a subdued and broken young gorgon seeking only to avoid the wrath of his Mistress.  Her sick games wrench at his sanity, but he endures in spite of her.

Thin gray clouds shifted beneath a starless moonless night sky.  The waning light of flickering sconces gently filled Queen Hahtra’s bedchamber with a soothing golden light.  An errant breeze wafted in from the Queen’s private balcony and shifted the pale blue silken veil that enshrouded the queen’s sleeping quarter. Nehra slept soundly upon Queen Hahtra’s large luxurious bed.  The young gorgon lay on his side, his arms and legs wrapped comfortingly around a plush pillow.  A shadow crept over the sleeping adolescent.  Hahtra leaned close regarding his slumbering face.  She grinned and noted the gentle sound of his breathing and the subtle rise and fall of his side.  His vulnerable and oblivious expression energized her.  She reached forth and smoothed his crimson hair away from his brow.  It was silken against her palm.  She continued to caress the shining strands.  Hahtra crawled on to bed careful not to awaken him and then kissed Nehra’s exposed shoulder. She delighted to feel the tender youthful skin touch her lips.  She breathed deliberately, catching the scent of his masculinity, immature but beautifully distinct to her practiced sensibilities. Her hands reached out, eager to explore her little present.  She stopped stroking the young gorgon’s hair and buried her hand down between the boy and the pillow to locate the warmth between his legs.  Her eager fingers collected his genitals, fondling him to wakefulness.
    Nehra shifted, and then awakened with a hushed gasp.  His sleepy green eyes opened to see his mistress bent over him.  He was taken aback, but soon felt the delicious friction of his mistress’ adept manipulations.  Hahtra paused, smiling at him.  His lips parted with a silent moan.
“Wake up...little one.” she breathed.
He blinked at her, squirming slightly under her practiced touch.
“Your Mistress wishes to play.”  She continued to stroke him.  Nehra shuddered.  His brow creased, but he remained silent.  “You want to play, yes?”
Nehra hesitated only a moment, distracted, then nodded.  “Yes, Mistress.”
“ Good,” she beamed; her bright blue eyes twinkled wickedly.  “ Now lie still. I will play first.”    
    Hahtra pulled the pillow from Nehra’s arms and set it aside.  He did not resist but he did not want to let it go.  Nehra felt his skin prickle as the cool air of the chamber met his exposed chest and stomach.  Hahtra paused long enough to position herself over him.  She began to kiss his neck and chest then moved lover towards his navel.  Her long curled hair spilled on to his face smelling richly of musk.  Nehra trembled as an exciting and fiery sensation crackled along his spine traveling the length of his limbs to finally settle in his loins. It was sensation he had felt many times before, but only recently had he realized that his mistress could control it. It felt like the wondrous yet fleeting moments before sweet release, yet release never came.  He would remain on the brink, tortured and yearning, until she liberated him.  Only then could his body thunder towards orgasm.  Nehra lusted for and despised it.  Each time she would toy with him, stroking with her hands, pressing her lips to his, lapping with her wet tongue, brushing her soft thighs against the taut skin of his throbbing erection as a rippling surge of electric lust penetrated his psyche and setting his frayed nerves on fire!  

Nehra closed his eyes, awaiting his torment, yet relishing the attention.  She worked him for some time, keeping him on the edge of climax.  Nehra clenched his teeth, groaning with irritated yearning.  He gripped the smooth sheets on which he laid waiting and praying she would grant him release.  Hahtra unexpectedly stopped her manipulations and rose up, straddling his legs.  Her movement jostled her breasts. Nehra bit his lip resisting the intense urge to grab one of the tender orbs and shove its pink nipple in his mouth.  The gorgon queen grinned as she slid a hand down between her breasts then down over the rise and fall over belly then further still until her finger tips found the small vertical strip of rosy pubic hair between her spread thighs.  Nehra regarded his mistress fervently, panting and very aware of proximity of his mistress’ moistened pink treasure to the rigid and waiting shaft of his erection.  Hahtra fingers disappeared in to her pink slit and reappeared glistening in the dim light.  His eyes locked on her fingers as she buried them between her glistening vulvas whilst she rocked her hips rhythmically.  Nehra grimaced, frustrated. She giggled softly at his distressed expression.  Hahtra withdrew her fingers from her warm insides and presented them to Nehra.  His brow lifted questioningly.  Hahtra leaned forward a little bit.  He did not hesitate further.  Nehra reached out and snatched the gorgoness by the wrist and plunged her moist fingers in to his mouth.  The tang of her savory leavings spread across his tongue.  Nehra blissfully suckled her painted fingers. She giggled again amused.  When she was no longer amused by his efforts the gorgon Queen withdrew her hand.  Hahtra huffed indifferently, swung her leg over his body and slipped off the bed.  “Done.”  She said, glaring at him expectantly.

Nehra responded instinctively and scrambled to the floor.  He knelt on the cold polished floor next to his mistress, naked in the cool air. She stroked him quietly for a moment. “Good pet,” Hahtra turned and sauntered away. “Return to your quarters.”
Nehra quietly retreated, slipped between the curtains separating his small sleeping quarter from the queen’s then threw himself angrily in to the pillows.  He bit down on a silken pillow and pulled another to cover his face, shrieking madly for an instant.  Nehra turned over wiping away angry tears.  He lay silently for a long while allowing his wanton fervor to ebb then fell in to a fitful sleep.


Sitting at the foot of Hahtra's berth for yet another long-winded soirée, Nehra's eyes mark a new visitor.  A peculiar looking gorgon named Lord Vha'dra arrives in the royal court with much fanfare.  There is murmur among the guests and sense of excitement envelops the Queen.  The odd visitor appears youthful and vigorous, but an aura of timelessness seems to emanate from him.  One feature that Nehra cannot ignore is the male gorgon's extraordinarily languid black eyes.  They are vacant and unsettling yet Nehra cannot help but stare.

Vhad'ra has a different presence then that of Hahtra.  Hahtra herself is a very powerful gorgon, and many millennia old herself - but she seems cowed in the presence of this remarkably primordial creature.  She seems needy, like a child pleading for attention from a parent.  It intrigues Nehra and terrifies him all the same that someone may possibly intimidate his vile mistress.

Unbeknownst to Nehra, Vhad’ra has been noting the concubines’ bold stares.  Their gazes meet and Nehra feels his skin prickle with trepidation.  Vhad'ra’s fathomless stare deep in to Nehra‘s verdant gaze, as if searching for something.  Nehra feels fixed in place, unable to move.  It felt like a great weight was keeping him in place.  Nehra began to panic, but he is quickly set free from his invisible shackles.  Nehra averted his eyes timidly wishing to flee behind his Mistress’ impressive throne.  After a long uncomfortable silence the ancient gorgon spoke.  His voice is quiet and melodious.
From his seat next to the Queen he leaned in Nehra’s direction with a curious arc of his brow sculpted brow.  "The dark red-hair.”  Stated the High Lord.
Hahtra's expression softened inquisitively.  "Oh, yes!  Tender little morsel isn't he."

Nehra remained motionless terrified to look in to Vhad’ra’s dark eyes again.
“A very ravishing creature, indeed.”  Vhad'ra rose from his seat and approached Nehra.  Slender clawed fingers reach out and lifted Nehra's chin.  When Vhad’ra’s cool hand touched him, Nehra had felt a rushing sensation, a kind of vertigo.  Nehra averted his gaze.  A twisted grin rippled across the ancient demon’s skeletal visage as his cold eyes regarded the young gorgon.  After a moment of private reflection, Vhad’ra leaned in and whispered something scarcely audible in to Nehra’s ear.
"I know you …Shaadiv.  You are not hidden to me.”  Vhad'ra smiled, an odd wrinkle on his otherwise flawless countenance, then stepped away and took his seat beside the gorgon Queen.  Just as quickly, as the sensation of vertigo had overwhelmed him, it dissipated once Vhad’ra loosed his grip. Nehra dared a quick glance at the old demon, confused. There had been a certain amount of mirth in his tone, but it seemed Vhad’ra would maintain the ambiguity of his statement. Perplexed and frightened, Nehra realized his mistress was not aware of Vhad’ra words.  Nehra decided not to reveal it.

Hahtra and Vhad'ra retire to a more private arrangement.  Vhad’ra contentedly introduced the Queen to his personal consort.  An exquisite male gorgon enters the chamber with a practiced and poised gate.  Fair smooth skin covers his slender muscled frame.  His luxurious ebon mane slides down his shoulders to frame his chiseled countenance.  As he kneels before his Master and the gorgon Queen, Hahtra cannot help blushing hotly with envy.
“Present yourself.”  Vhad’ra instructed quietly.  The consort rose to one knee and gazed coolly across the chamber with mystifying gray eyes.
“Elu,” He incanted his head respectfully “Exalted Mistress.”
“From a rare stock, this one” Vhad’ra boasts.  He is older than Nehra, mature and virile looking and quite breathtaking.  Nehra’s notes with some interest that at the base of each of Elu’s elegant horns are thin hammered bands of gold and the rest of his body is adorned by similarly delicate golden jewelry.

Hahtra’s simpered frostily.  Although a specimen of Elu’s maturity does not normally appeal to her, she feels upstaged by this splendid creature.  Feeling the need to distract her offended sensibilities, Hahtra suggested some light entertainment.  

”Nehrashti,” Hahtra instructed.  “Join Lord Vhad’ra’s consort.”
Nehra responded automatically.  Yet, his voice wavered with fright. “Yes, Mistress.”  

A polished stone dais in the center of the large chamber is cleared then strewn with silks, plush coverlets and pillows.  Lastly, a small collection of bejeweled flasks was placed on a pedestal containing various scented oils.
“He is… inexperienced.”  Vhad’ra stated matter-of-factly.
Hahtra’s brow twitched irritably.
“Naturally, Nehrashti is so young.  However, he will be up to task I can assure you.”
Vhad’ra black eyes blinked sympathetically.  “Do you think it wise to initiate your favorite with my Elu?  He is adept and quite… assertive.”
Amused, Hahtra smiled.  “The better to please his Mistress then!”  Enthusiastically she added.  “ I am rather eager to see him subdued.”
Vhad’ra nodded politely in response.

Nehra watched Elu stand.  Vhad’ra leaned toward Elu whispered something.  The pale courtesan inclined his head, acknowledging his Master’s silent request, and then proceeded to saunter elegantly toward the prepared dais.  Hahtra glanced toward her young concubine conveying a silent command.  Nehra stood woodenly and followed Elu, yet not nearly as poised.  Nehra stepped up on to the platform and sat down, unsure of what he was to do next.  In the golden light of the flickering hearth’s Nehra met Elu’s storm gray eyes.  Elu smiled handsomely and Nehra felt his face flush hotly.

Hahtra waved her hand casually.  “Begin.”
Minstrels begin playing a placid melody with a lyre and flute.    Elu leaned close to Nehra and flashed another pleasing smile.
“Come close.”  Elu whispered.  Nehra trembled unwilling to speak.  The cool openness of the chamber and the eyes watching from afar merely added to Nehra's nervous indecision.  Nehra had only known pleasure among the comforting dimness of his alcove.  As the rhythmic melody of the minstrels filled the chamber Nehra suddenly felt very self-conscious.  Elu whispered to Nehra.  “Do not be afraid.”  Elu’s calm expression veiled a seething maelstrom of unrestrained desire.  Nehra glanced furtively at his Mistress and noted Hahtra's eager stare.  

Slipping his nimble hands over Nehra's shoulders, Elu pressed the young gorgon down upon the dais.  "Lay back."
Elu then began to calm Nehra with gentle caresses.  Elu's hands were like warm silk slipping over his dark skin.  Elu's body is gently scented with an intoxicating musk and it filled Nehra's nostrils warmly as Elu's dark hair slide coolly over his exposed abdomen.  Elu unclothes Nehra artfully, then himself.  The older gorgon then slid close from behind him, pressing this warm flesh against Nehra back.  Elu glides his fingers over Nehra's shoulder, then down his abdomen and further down to his hip and thigh then he gathers up Nehra's already stiffening manhood and began to gently stroke him.  Awash in a wanton stupor Nehra is then startled by older gorgon's moistened finger slipping between the exposed mounds of his buttocks.  Nehra reflects upon the new and bizarre sensation as Elu's deft fingers work his anus.  It is not long before the warm wetness of Elu's tongue is toying with his anus as well.  Nehra shivered, closing his eyes and blissfully sighing.  Thoroughly erect and aching Elu then slowly persuades the unsullied orifice to submit to his prodding and stealthily slides his ruddy saliva moistened member into Nehra's virgin backside.  Nehra yelped impishly confronted by an undeniable sensation of fullness while his experienced partner began to gyrate his hips.  Nehra flinched a bit but Elu quickly calmed Nehra with a comforting word.
"Relax.”  He breathed and then the practiced courtesan nibbled playfully upon the delicate skin around Nehra's neck and shoulders, Elu's hips undulating, grinding against Nehra with marvelous rhythm.
Nehra has moaned loudly, gritting his teeth.  "Hnnn!"
Nehra has panted gruffly bracing himself against the dizzying friction.  Elu pushed Nehra over on to his stomach; shoving Nehra's face in to the soft pillows and mounted him expertly.  Elu then grabbed a fist full of Nehra's red hair and gave a gentle tug accompanied by a firm thrust from behind.
"Ah!”  Nehra howled.  Elu grinned, grinding firmly with slow and deep thrusts.  The ebon haired gorgon relished in the moment and let his free hand caress Nehra's amber skin over his back and then down to his buttocks.  Elu released his grip on Nehra's crimson hair then traced a finger down the length of Nehra’s back, down further still then grabbed hold of Nehra's hips and pulled him up on to his knees. Elu gyrated rhythmically relishing the tight friction on his cock then leaned in close over Nehra’s back until his dark hair spilled over his pale shoulders.  Elu reached beneath his trembling partner’s lithe torso and firmly stroked Nehra's rock hard erection; smearing the pre-come along the shaft.  Elu listened intently to Nehra's breathless groans and smiled haughtily then continued his vigorous gyrations, burying his ample manhood deep in to Nehra's posterior.  

Nehra gripped the coverlet beneath him with balled fists.  Awash in hedonistic fervor Nehra smiled briefly, muttering under his breath.  “Don’t stop.”  
Elu smirked lightheartedly.  Sadly, it is not within my power to grant you this, my sweet.  Elu looked up and noted the very subtle nod from his Master.  He then kissed the back of Nehra’s neck, and then nibbled a bit on Nehra’s slender ear.  There was a notable sheen of sweat on their bodies.  With Elu's hand, working Nehra’s loins and the delicious strokes pumping from behind Nehra eagerly embraced a rippling orgasm as it laid siege to his electrified nerves.  “Oh!”

Nehra's body bucked fiercely, his pelvis thrust in to Elu's strong grip.  His seed spilled hotly upon Elu's palm and down on to the silken coverlet beneath him.  Nehra's senses were awash with waves of ecstasy.  Elu began a series of long slow strokes, drawing back then slamming in to Nehra's backside.  “Now.”  Elu breathed.
Nehra pouted meekly, collapsing to the pillows below him, silently begging Elu to come, body quivering.  Elu grunted, pulling Nehra back on to his hands and knees, slapping his hips against Nehra's backside.  When Elu climaxed he threw his head back   Nehra panted softly as the semen spilled messily out of him.  Elu loosened his grip and Nehra’s muscles went slack and he collapsed beneath his partner.  Elu sighed loudly, catching his breath then settled down beside Nehra with a contented smirk on his face.  Elu then tussled Nehra's hair playfully.  "Well done.”  He complimented.
Nehra nodded, used up and speechless.

Through the buzzing in Nehra’s ears he heard a quiet giggle from his Mistress and animated conversation echoing softly from a distance.  When he rose up on his elbows he watched as The Gorgon Queen departed with her guest in hand.  Elu and Nehra were then approached by silent attendants and lead away to be bathed.

Nehra was sitting across from Elu in a large stone basin of churning, fragrant water.   Elu combed his long black hair with his fingers, fussing diligently over each strand.  Nehra had his back pressed against the smooth wall of the shallow basin, resting his head along the pools edge.  Elu quietly dismissed the hovering attendants and slid through the warm water to sit beside Nehra.   
Elu's light eyes blinked thoughtfully.  "I was your first male coupling, was I not?”  
Nehra lowered his eyes, nodding.  "Yes."
Elu smiled then nestled closer to Nehra.  “Nehrashti, will you remember me?”  Elu smiled.
"I will.”  Nehra replied truthfully.  Elu smoothed Nehra's dampened hair.  "I'll hold you to that."
When Elu rose to exit the bath Nehra blurted.  "Will I see you again?"
Elu paused flattered by the young gorgon's interest.  Elu grabbed a bath towel and began to blot his wet skin.  "Some day, I’m sure."  
Nehra suddenly felt awkward, but smiled brightly.  "I'll hold you to that."


Nehra feels a bit revitalized after his lusty encounter with Elu.  However, Hahtra’s mood seems to deteriorate as the months wear on.  Nehra fears he has outgrown his usefulness.  Then one fateful morning Hahtra comes to him in good spirits.  She takes him to her private gardens where he feels the sun on his skin for the first time in years.  She lets him wander through the flower-laden isles and soak up the sounds of the forest just beyond the palace grounds.  Hahtra even seems pleased by his gaiety.

She then has her bedchamber lavished with a feast.  They dine and share light conversation.  Hahtra jests with him - and even manages to get him to laugh for the first time.  Another mist-laden night falls upon Shaadiv.  Nehra is bathed by Hahtra’s attendants as is usually done, but this night his smooth amber skin is anointed with fragrant oils, his body gently messaged and his stunning crimson hair is brushed to a particularly lustrous shine.  His livery and delicate jewelry are fastened to his young body loosely. He is perplexed by the extra attention.
When he returns to his Mistress’ chambers, he soon discovers why: Hahtra presents herself to him.  It appears she has decided it is time to formally initiate him.  It was never any question Hahtra was beautiful.  Nor, was it a question that she was desirable.  Nehra now looks upon his mistress, astounded.  She removes what little clothing is wrapped around that is her supple body and beckons for young Nehra to join her upon her bed.  So many times, she had taunted him...  Never allowed him to even touch her…and now…

Unable to resist his surging arousal he goes forth.  Nehra can barely contain his enthusiasm.  He explores her mature female form willingly, eagerly, smelling, touching…tasting!  Then...
The door to Hahtra’s bedchamber burst wide hitting the walls behind with a loud clang.  Nehra stumbled from the gorgoness’ chamber so fast he slammed in to the opposite wall of the corridor.  He crumpled to the floor, tears in his eyes.  A feverish welt was rising across his face where the gorgoness had slapped him and her sculpted claws had grazed his flesh.  Hahtra stormed forth from her chamber with a robe hanging loosely over her pale shoulders and spat at him.  “Useless!”  She fumed.  Her furious movement jounced her bountiful breasts.
“Incompetent...worthless whelp, bah!  Rot you little shit!”  Hahtra whirled about, pink curls twirling about her face and neck, her chamber doors slamming shut in her wake.  The resounding echo hummed for a long while drowning out Nehra’s sobbing.  After a moment, he peered down the empty corridor.  No one.  There then came an ominous tone, which echoed through the vast palace with astounding resonance.  Again the tone sounded, distant, but somehow close.  The young gorgon waited his heart racing.  Nehra gasped sharply, eyes wide; he then realized just what that tone meant!  Hahtra has summoned her havoc demon guards and they were coming for him!  Nehra scrambled on his hands and knees to his feet and sped down the dimly lit corridor.  He did not know how but he had to get away from this place.  He had to for he was sure the beasts would kill him!

Nehra ran.  He ran so hard his throat burned and his chest began to ache.  The great palace was truly a maze of corridors.  He ran left, then right, and then left again seeing nothing but endless passages and encountering hopelessly locked doors.  He avoided passing attendants and kept away from the busy servant tunnels.  Nowhere to hide!  He paused, pressed against the cold marble walls of the corridor, lungs aching, coughing violently.  He turned, and tried the latch of a plain door to his left.  An audible click made him blink back joyous tears.  He pressed forward and the open door swung wide, he slipped inside the dark chamber quietly shutting the door behind him.  He greeted the darkness eagerly and hid between what felt like large sacks and wooden crates.  He sat for a moment, resting his head against the wall at his back, catching his breath.  Nehra sighed.  He closed his eyes for what seemed like a moment.  So tired...tired...

A creek from the door startled Nehra awake.  A thin band of light slid across the floor.  Nehra held his breath; terrified as an attendant carrying a polished tray entered and approached the stack of boxes Nehra was hiding. The attendant came forward, paused, then selected a box and opened it.  Nehra dared not move.  The attendant grabbed a small sachet from the boxes’ contents and left shutting the door.  Darkness returned.  Nehra let out an exhausted sigh.  Upon feeling about in the dark room in which he had chosen to hide, he found that he had slipped in to a pantry of sorts.  Boxed candied fruits and sacks of sweet treats of various flavors surrounded him.  He had recalled many a meal of these treats.  More often after Hahtra’s tantrums, they became an offering of apology.  Nehra turned up his nose at the smörgåsbord before him.  He was actually very thirsty.
Before he could summon the thought to actually leave his hiding place to find a drink, a small ticking noise permeated the silence.  Nehra slid down between heavy sack and some crates.  The ticking noise followed by a quiet squeak then a rather loud clang. A number of whispering voices floated through the darkness.  “Shht!”
“Get us killed, you will!”
“Hurry!”  A tiny light suddenly pierced the darkness.  Nehra attempted to retreat from the light by squeezing his willowy frame further in to the space between the sacks and crates to no avail.
To Nehra’s disbelief the silhouette of a small boy, popped out from behind a shelf. The youngster squeezed his diminutive frame out from behind the shelf and looked about.  A voice called out impatiently
“C’mon, get some and hurry back!”  The boy standing in front of the light, snapped back.
“Right!”  He spat.
The boy began to poke around in the dark - searching over the contents of the room moving ever closer to Nehra’s hiding place.  Closer and closer still until…
“Ack!” cried the boy.  Nehra lurched forth and stifled the cry by placing his hand on the boys’ mouth.
“P-please….  Don’t cry out.”  Nehra pleaded in a hissing whisper.  The startled boy fell backwards on to a dusty sack.  He scuttled back towards the shelf.  Nehra withdrew fearfully.
The boy called back to his companions.  “Give me the light,” said the boy.
When the boy returned with a small lantern, Nehra blinked focusing on the boy through the glare.  When his eyes had adjusted, he noted the boy had strangely ash gray skin, full wavy lavender hair gathered about his shoulders.  A pair of deep crimson eyes blinked curiously at him.  “How did you get here?” he asked.  There was a long pause between them.  A surge of emotion erupted from Nehra and his green eyes erupted in tears as he began to stammer.
“They, they...are…”  Nehra snuffled and stuttered fearfully as he tried to explain.  “  Don’t, please don’t tell them…don’t tell I’m here…p-please.”
The boys’ brow furrowed nervously.  “It’s all right," he replied reassuringly.  “...I won’t.”  Angered voices called from behind the shelf, with more urgency.
“Hey!  Hurry it up!”

The boy sighed, rolling his dark eyes irritably.  He reached for a sack of treats and retreated to the wall where the shelf was.  There was muted conversation between the boy and the voices beyond.  Nehra watched quietly.  The boy raised the light and gestured at Nehra.  Nehra did not understand.
“Well, come on!”  He said.  “You can’t very well stay here!”  Nehra crawled hesitantly towards the youngster.
“What’s your name?” the boy asked.
Timidly the young gorgon replied.  “Nehrashti.”
The boy smiled, and while wriggling himself behind the shelf, he said.  “I’m Dremma.”


Submission Part 2

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