Inu Yasha and Kikyo - The Tradgedy: Chapter 1

Published Aug 5, 2005, 6:54:33 AM UTC | Last updated Aug 5, 2005, 6:54:33 AM | Total Chapters 1

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About inu and kikyo. Not sure if ill add on or not, it depends.

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Chapter NaN: Chapter 1

- By Tamm

When I first met her, I was captivated by her immediate beauty and her sincerity to me. I was scared, too. I am different from this world. I am but a mere half breed set in a demanding era. I don’t belong here. But when I was with her, there was soul purpose for me, somewhere. And the day that she handed me the sacred jewel of the four souls, It felt certain that I would become a human and live in peace with her in the villages, and belong somewhere for once


“Here, Inu Yasha. You can become human with this, and we can live happily in the villages together.”


I didn’t know what to say next.


I pondered over it, the thought of being human. I wouldn’t be different and maybe, just maybe, I could just… finally fit in. But would I miss myself, my old self at all? My ears twitched.


My knowledge of the sacred jewel was very limited back then, but I knew that it could bring miracles. But If it was brought into the wrong hands, there would be destruction, havoc, and masacures of villages and castles.


I glanced at Kikyo and smiled. She was so peaceful and so kind to the village people.

I wanted to be with her all of my days. I climbed into a tree, and watched down at her as she

Tended to wounded soldiers.



I tentatively rowed the boat. A fine stream of water was at hand.

I turned behind to Kikyo, she was still smiling warmly. The air was humid, but the sun was slowly setting. It was so relaxing, and it was a relief to finally hear nothing but the water gently washing up against the boat.


We reached the dock, and I stepped out, Kikyo following me.


She fell, but I supported her with the paddle. Our eyes made contact. Her eyes to my eyes, and I felt like I could see through to her soul, it was so pure. I grabbed hold of her and held her in my arms fondly. That was the last time our love was ever true.




My story falls short, and what was ment to be a happy ending, turned out horribly wrong.


Because, the next thing that I knew, I was responsible for the countless flames that were by the village hold. I was on my way to snatching the sacred jewel. Little did I know, this was all just Naraku’s trickery at work, and I was only a pawn in his heart splitting game of betrayal. Damn him.


“Inu Yasha!” I heard the familiar voice say.


“Kikyo, why…”


An arrow pierced into my flesh and I find myself immersed into a realm of misery and uncertainty. And I lie there, waiting to be saved.


Everyday that I walk with Kagome, I feel closer to her, almost as if Kikyo is reaching out to me from Kagome’s soul. But everyday that I don’t walk with Kikyo, I’m eaten away at by the horrible memories that still haunt me from that fateful day.


“Kikyo, it wasn’t me, it was Naraku! I wasn’t betraying you!”

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