Pound: Pound

Published Sep 11, 2005, 6:26:26 AM UTC | Last updated Sep 11, 2005, 6:26:26 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Vegeta takes control! Goku in ki restraints, beach at night, dislike of snow, lots of bad words.

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Chapter NaN: Pound

By Pixelgoddess
Disclaimer - Don't own them, but wouldn't mind them for a Yule gift.
Warnings -Vegeta/ Goku, Goku in ki restraints, beach at night, dislike of snow, lots of bad words.
(This was written for a drabble contest on Saiyan Secrets. I couldn't decide which version of a winter holiday in the sun I preferred, so I wrote them both - but I do have a weakness for Goku in restraints.)
Christmas Drabble - limit 1000 words - snow, frost, shiver, present/gift, melt, sparkle, sweet.
937 words.

Vegeta leaned back against a palm tree, smirking as he watched his mate running across the sparkling sand of the beach.

Bulma had tried to drag him out for some foolish winter holiday celebration, but he had refused. He hated this time of the year - too fucking cold. If he ever caught that Jack Frost bastard he was going to blast him to hell.

He never understood why she went on and on about how wonderful the damned snow was - 'magical holiday' his ass. As far as he could tell, these ningens got sick of being stuck in a dark, freezing house. They used the solstice to remind themselves it wouldn't be so miserable out forever.

Vegeta was not going to sit around waiting for the frozen shit to melt - he braced himself against the cold and flew to find Kakarott.

He had found the baka making a Kami-damned snowman. Kakarott had just grinned at him. He scowled as tried unsuccessfully to stay warm by raising his ki. He actually shivered from the cold as he stood in front of him, making his proposal.

"But Vegeta, Christmas isn't the same without snow," Goku said, pouting.

"Baka!" he said, flaring to Super Saiyan. "I don't care about this ridiculous holiday." He began to advance on the taller Saiyan, forcing him to retreat before his blazing ki. "I am freezing, wet, sore, and extremely miserable! I want to go somewhere warm!"

Goku eeped as he felt himself backed into his snowman, the cold seeping through his clothing.

"Besides," Vegeta said with a growl, grabbing the scarf Kakarott wore around his neck and pulling him down to his level, "You are wearing too many clothes. How do you expect me to fuck you if I can't even see you?" he smirked.

An instant later they stood on a warm beach, the sun beginning to set. Vegeta smiled, letting his hair return to it's deep auburn. He quickly began to strip off his winter clothing, leaving on only his spandex shorts. Goku stood in front of him clad only in his boxers, his tail waving enticingly behind him.

"Come here, Kakarott," he purred, beckoning him closer with his finger.

"Nope," Goku said with a laugh, backing away. "You've got to catch me first."

"I don't think so," Vegeta said with a growl, putting on burst of speed, tackling his mate, rolling them both through the surf. Vegeta pinned Kakarott's hands beside his head, pressing down to grab his bottom lip in his teeth, purring as the sweet scent of blood flooded his senses.

"Stay," he said, shaping two ki bands to ensure his commands were followed. He slid the boxers down his mate's hips, tossing them aside, quickly removing his own.

"Vegeta?" Goku said, eyes wide. "We're on a public beach..." he worried as Vegeta moved between his legs, their erections momentarily brushing.

"So? There are no kis anywhere close, it's dark, and I refuse to wait any longer for the gift you promised me," he purred. He pulled a hardened nipple with his teeth, his tongue teasing the nub.

Goku whimpered when his mate's torturously evil fingers began tracing lines of fire down his body. Vegeta smirked as he watched his restrained mate wriggling, trying to shift for more friction against his aching cock. Frustrated at his failure, Goku's tail moved to coil his erection, only to be smoothly captured by Vegeta.

"Vegeta, please..." he begged, The warm surf sliding around his ass, along with the prince's gentle strokes on his tail made him thrust his hips up, begging for more.

Vegeta slid an ocean-moistened finger into his mate's entrance, eliciting a moan. His other hand continued to torment Kakarott's tail, tickling the fur. Kakarott writhed underneath him as he added another finger, stretching him, brushing against a spot that made the sun rise before his eyes.

Suddenly Vegeta removed his fingers and moved back, keeping a steady grip on his tail.

"Tell me what you want, Kakarott..." he rumbled.

"Oh GodS, Vegeta, please fuck me," he moaned.

Vegeta groaned at the need in his mate's voice, but refused to move. He loved it when the 'pure' Kakarott talked filth, and this wasn't enough.

"I don't know Kakarott," he purred. "There could be someone watching."

Goku bared his teeth and snarled. "I don't care if the bastards are filming every single godsdamned minute and posting it on the fucking internet for sale! I want your fucking cock inside of me right NOW!"

Vegeta growled and slammed into his mate's heat, burying himself to the hilt. Goku howled with pleasure as Vegeta drew out only to slam back in. They grunted and groaned like animals as the prince pounded his last subject into the sand. Sweat poured off their bodies, adding their salt to the surrounding sea.

Vegeta ruffled the fur on his tail and wrapped it around Kakarott's neglected erection, stroking it in time with his frenzied hammering. He raised his ki slightly and the Saiyan under him came, shouting his name. He continued to bury his mate for a few more strokes, and then came with a roar, filling him with his seed.

Vegeta slid out with a groan and collapsed on Kakarott's chest, releasing him with a wave of the hand.

Goku shifted uncomfortably beneath him.

"Quit moving around so much, Kakarott," Vegeta groaned with exhaustion.

Goku continued to move as he complained, "Next time, we are using a blanket."

Vegeta propped himself up to look questioningly at his mate's wincing face.

"I know Krillin told you to 'go pound sand', but I don't think he meant in my ass!"

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